Part 11

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"Where'd Gary go?" I asked.  

"I thought he was with you." Harry responded.  

I looked around once again but I couldn't find him. But I did begin to hear something loud. It sounded like... a helicopter. Could we be saved? 

"Harry! Look up!" I yell over the noise.  

The helicopter nears toward us when I notice the passengers inside it have guns.  

"We found her!" One yells.  

"Sorry, but I want to keep my family." Gary yelled inside the helicopter.  

"Aim, ready..." 

"Shit. Swim Harry! Swim!" I yell at Harry and grab him.  

We both dove down into the see again as we saw bullets hurdling towards us. Harry took me and swam away from them and into some sort of undersea cave. I followed and grabbed his hand afraid I'd lose him. We were running out of air quick so we tried to swim faster.  

We went into the cave to find light above us. An opening. We darted towards it and surfaced to find an underground cave. Both Harry and I heaved in air and collapsed onto the ground.  

"You alright, babe?" Harry asked still gasping for air.  

"Yeah. I'm just happy you're alright." I smiled.  

He smiled back showing his dimples and held my hand. I squeezed it, not wanting anything to happen to him.  

"Now lets figure out where we are." Harry said standing up. He held out a hand for me and I took it gratefully. We walked to another opening in the cave to find a waterfall in a lush jungle.  

"Where are we?" Harry asked.  

"I'm not sure. But I'm guessing on the coast of India." I reply looking around.  

There didn't seem to be anything living around. Harry lead the way out of the cave. In my mind, I wondered how I'd get us out of here.  

"So what's the plan, Sarah?" Harry asked assuming I'd know what to do.  

"Um, well I guess we have to make camp here for now. Until help arrives." I answer.  

He nodded his head and began to look around for good camping ground. I looked around for any food.  

"Is this a good spot?" Harry asked pointing to a spot next to the waterfall.  

"Perfect. Now we need shelter." I said on top of the treetops.  

I was searching for any type of food. I saw a bundle of bananas and reached for it. But as I was about to grab it, a spear separated me and the bananas gaining a shriek from me. Out of nowhere a group of tribal people jumped onto the tree startling me. They neared slowly, as if I were some alien. They started speaking in some weird unknown language and looked at me for an answer.  

"Sorry, I don't speak . . . that." I reply unsure.  

One came forward and started to play with my still soaking hair. I flinched back not knowing what to do or afraid they attack.  

"Harry!" I cried for help.  

They started screaming thinking I was screaming for battle or something. They started to draw closer with weapons. But my knight in shining armor came but not necessarily armor but face makeup? 

"What's on your face?" I whisper to him.  

"Shhh." Harry hushes.  

"What are you-" I begin but was cut off by the screams and shouts of the tribal people.  

"What do I do?" Harry asks.  

"I don't know. Sing to them?" I offer more as a question.  

"Um, baby you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed. But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell. You don't kno-o-ow. You don't you're beautiful." Harry sang and the people eased up and cracked a smile.  

"Oooooo." They all chimed.  

They began to play with Harry's floppy curls, like monkeys searching through other monkeys for ticks. Harry just stood there awkwardly while I took the bundle of bananas. I slid down the tree and set them down. Now how am I going to get Harry out of there? Better yet, I could use this to our advantage.  

"Harry! Ask them for directions to the nearest highway!" I called out to him.  

"How do I do that?" Harry asked.  

I thought for a moment before an imaginary light bulb popped up. "Sing it to them." 

"Um, okay?" He said unsure. "Do you know the way to the nearest highway?" he sang in the tune of Heart Attack from their album Take Me Home.  

All the people began to think. Then one of them seemed to understood what we asked and began to walk so we all followed. It wasn't easy getting there at all. This jungle was insanely dense with animals and vegetation. Harry fell and got hurt a few times too.  

I honestly feel bad I dragged him into this mess. But he should've stayed on the plane with Cindy. But no. He had to come and put himself in danger.  

We finally made it to a desert looking area with no trees. And there was pavement! But it wasn't a busy street which meant we could be walking for hours.  

Harry thanked them in some random tune and they fled.  

"Well, we better start walking." I say beginning our massive journey.  

"Wait. Walking? We could just wait until a car comes." Harry said.  

"In the next 20 years?" I replied sarcastically.  

"I'm already tired, Sarah. Can we just wait? I'm having a bad day." Harry said.  

I began to get infuriated with how childish he was acting. "And you think I'm happy today too? I've gone through everything you've been through. I'm sorry it doesn't fit your celebrity life criteria. I never invited you to come with me so don't be compaining." I shouted at him.  

Harry narrowed his eyes. "Well, I came to help you. But you don't appreciate anything I do for you."  

"I never said that." I mumbled.  

"Well that's how you're acting. I threw my vacation in the garbage to be with you. Now it's being ruined." He complained exasperated.  

"I'm sorry this isn't a 5 star hotel that you're used to, but if you haven't noticed 300 criminals who hate my guts are after me and want me dead." I yell back.  

"How do you think I feel having the girl I love being hunted down?" Harry shouted.  

"How do you think I feel having the boy I love be in great danger because if me?" I yell again.  

We both just glared at each other for a moment then Harry spoke.  

"Fine. If you don't want my help, I don't need yours either."  





"Fine." We both said simaltaneously and went our separate ways.


A/N: You all probably hate me. I lied about the updates. I'm super sorry but last week I had my appendix removed. Yup. I HAD SURGERY. So please don't hate me and keep reading. Hopefully I'll be able to update more. Peace.

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