TBP - Vance's Awakening

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In the comments of 'Why Us?' thegrabberschild asked how Vance knew the song Robin sang for karaoke in 'How Unexpected' and I told them that it was bc of his gay awakening.

I promised to do a one-shot explaining and this is that one-shot!

This is before Vance moved to Denver, Colorado in 'How Unexpected'

Vance had gotten home completely confused about his friend, he wasn't even sure if they were friends.

Nikè's (knee-kay) hand had brushed against Vance's.

The entire time they were hanging out at the arcade, Nikè would stand close, brush their hands together, brush their shoulders together, or play with Vance's hair. It made Vance confused and, in all honesty, flustered.

He and Nikè weren't even close friends. Vance hadn't had friends for a long time, not since his first friend disappeared all those years ago, so Nikè's sudden close proximity made Vance's stomach twist and his head spin.

He wasn't sure if it was in confusion, uncertainty, excitement, or all three. He just knew it was probably not a good idea to keep Nikè any closer.


Vance felt guilty about pushing Nikè away so suddenly.

He'd been trying to talk to Vance for the last week but Vance just kept making excuses to not hang out anymore.

He still didn't understand why his head spun and stomach twisted when he thought back to that day at the arcade. So, he decided to do some research.

He looked around the web, trying to understand why he felt this way toward a guy. All that came up was homosexuality, but Vance couldn't be homosexual... could he?

Granted, he's never felt romantic attraction toward any girls. Nor has he ever kissed a girl, as many of his male peers have. He also doesn't find certain feminine attributes attractive.

Geez, maybe Vance is homosexual.

He didn't know how to feel at the new revelation.

Excited? Guilty? Upset? Angry?


Vance had been lost in thought for a week, thinking of how to feel about his feelings.

He was sitting outside, staring at the clouds when Nikè saw the chance and sat next to him.

Vance hadn't noticed so Nikè poked his cheek.

It startled Vance and he looked over, immediately feeling his cheeks flush at the sight of the boy.

(All conversations will be in English but they're speaking French)

"So..." Nikè started.

"So..." Vance continued, looking back at the clouds.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

Vance winced at the notion of being caught, "I am not- avoiding you..." Vance trailed off as he finished his statement.

Truthfully, he had been avoiding Nikè. He just didn't know how to feel, that's understandable, right?

"Right. Of course! I have just been imagining these last two weeks, then?" Vance hated how Nikè insisted on staring right at him.

He sighed, "I just wanted to give you a song to add to your playlist..." He left a folded-up paper next to Vance and walked away.

Vance felt himself breathe again once he left, picking up the paper and reading the song on it.

Stunnin' by Curtis Waters
I know you will love it

Vance stared at the winking face longer than he needed to.

He shook his head and unlocked his phone, going to his music app and searching up the title. He looked through for a bit before finding it and adding it to his playlist.

He would listen to it later, he needed to get to class now.

At the arcade, Nikè came up to him.

"Have you listened to the song yet? I want to know how you like it!" he said.

"No. I added it to the playlist but I have not heard it be played yet." Vance admitted, looking away.

"Well, lucky for you, I had a feeling you had not listened to it so I brought my headphones with me." Vance huffed in amusement.

Nikè led them to seating outside the arcade, sitting down and patting the spot next to him.

Vance reluctantly sat down, keeping a safe distance between them.

Nikè put on his right headphone and handed his left one to Vance, who took it and placed it in his ear.

He heard the song begin and could see Nikè tap his foot to the beat.

Vance heard the lyrics but it took a minute to fully understand what they were saying, English wasn't his first language after all, but once he understood, his face became as red as a tomato.

Nikè laughed at his reaction, prompting Vance to hide behind his hands.

"Why is this the song you suggest?!" Vance asked.

"Because I needed to see how you reacted to it!" Nikè admitted.

Vance shook his head, still hiding behind his hands, "This is very... expressive..."

"You would be surprised how often English songs are like this." Nikè took his headphones back and stuffed them into his pocket.

They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Vance spoke, "You should know..." Nikè looked at him, "I'm moving to the states."

"Oh! When?"

"Tomorrow. It's the last time you'll see me here." Vance smiled at him.

Nikè stared at him for a second before looking around them and kissing Vance's cheek.

"What was that for?" Vance asked.

Nikè got up with a smile, "I like you, I do, but, for some reason, I have a feeling you are going to fall in love soon. And it is not with me." Vance looked at him in confusion, "I'm glad I was your gay awakening, Vance, and I hope you are happy living in the states. Goodbye!" Nikè smiled as he turned and left.

Vance watched as his figure disappeared and touched his cheek.

He didn't think he actually liked Nikè romantically but he was definitely his gay awakening. He wondered how Nikè knew he would fall in love soon, was it a feeling or just a way for him to get over his feelings for Vance?

Vance would never know.

And as he watched Bruce smile at the falling snow, explaining why winter was his favorite season, he knew Nikè was right. He had fallen in love. And he was happy too.

1037 words

Again, thegrabberschild requested to know where Vance knew 'Stunnin' from!

Thank you for requesting and I hope I see more from you!

Hope you enjoyed!!!


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