TBP - Chats Upon Chats

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Thank you to Sleepy_kohana for requesting! And thanks for the tip on how to write it!

I'll try my best!

Finner for Dinner: Robin ate a FUCLING chickem nugget from the grass...

StarBitch: Ew...
Nasty ass crusty bitch 😒

Psycho: ik not.....
BRUCE of ALL fucking ppl ain't talking 🙄

StarBitch: Tf does THAT mean?
At least I didn't eat food that touched GRASS 💀

Professional Vancer: u ate food off an unclean fast food tsble so that's not much better
who tf changed my name again?

Finner for Dinner: I DID!
Griffy dared me to! 😁

Griffinator: I did nothing of the sort? Who's Griffy? Idk him. I'm George 🤪

Finner for Dinner: ...

Professional Vancer: ...

StarBitch: Ew

Paper Yummy: It's 1 am
Go to fucking sleep


StarBitch: Math hurts... 🤕

Vance: anyone couldve told u that

StarBitch: Your lack of an apostrophe bothers me 😔

Vance: too bad

StarBitch: Why is no one else answering?

Vance: cuz its fucking 4 am

StarBitch: I guess so...
I'm gonna change my name!
What should I change it to?

Vance: Bruce

StarBitch: You're so boring 😒

Vance: if it works it works

Best Boy: Y'know
Finn was actually the one who changed my name into StarBitch lol

Vance: Duh
Who else would make u star and bitch

Best Boy: True true

Vance: go to sleep idiot

Best Boy: Okaaaaaaayyy 😁

Paper Yummy: 🤪

Vance: u stfu and go to sleep too


Griffinator: someone told me i looked nice and i told them to kill themself I DIDNT MEAN IT I SWEAR I WAS JUST STRESSED ☹️☹️ I FEEL SO BAD

Finnster Mister: OH U POOR THING!

Griffinator: 😢😢

Paper Yummy: ☹️


Psycho Killer: added to my name jaja

Finnster Mister: We already knew that tho...
U fall asleep watching horror movies dude...

Paper Yummy: 🤠

Vance: i hate u so fucking much billy

Paper Yummy: 🤷‍♂️🤠

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