Anyone With A Passion Can Write

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Taco Bell

Shunpike Rd

Cromwell, Connecticut

Paul: *eating a Crunchwrap Supreme*

Man: Honey, I am proud of you. Writing is not an ideal profession. *eating his Grilled Stuffed Burrito*

Girl: Dad, I have a passion for writing! I never should have quit!

Man: I'm your father! And, if I tell you to throw your stories away, you do it!

Girl: *eating her Nacho Bell Grande* At least Mom supported me! She loved my stories! *downtrodden* All my hard work gone.

Man: You'll get over it! Writing is a dumb hobby, anyway!

Paul: *walks over to where the man and his daughter are sitting* I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. Why would you tell your daughter to throw away her stories?

Man: Mind your own business! She's not cut out to be a writer! *drinks his Mountain Dew Baja Blast*

Girl: My dad thinks I am a failure at writing! I just enjoy writing stories! I'm not doing it for fame! I write for myself!

Paul: I am so sorry, kid. Your father shouldn't have ruined your passion. You should follow your dreams. Don't listen to your father.

Girl: Exactly!

Man: *in Stephen Stotch's voice* You are grounded!

Paul: *whacks the man with a cartoon mallet*

Man: *out cold with cartoon stars floating above him, and his tongue sticking out*

Girl: I want to keep writing! Who cares what my dad says?

Paul: That's the spirit, kiddo! If writing is your passion, then keep on doing what you love!

Girl: *smiles* Have my Doritos Loco Taco!

Paul: Thank you! *eats it*

This story was written on Tuesday, March 7th, 2023. (Purim)

A/N What kind of man wouldn't support his kid in writing? She's not doing it to become famous! She's doing it, because its her passion! And why would some parent tell their child to throw her stories away? That's messed up! Writing is a creative outlet! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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