All Out Of Soda

12 5 14

Julia Terrace

Middletown, Connecticut

Jamal: *opens the fridge* All out of Coke!

Charlene: *wearing a white shirt, black leather shorts, and shiny black thigh high boots* You want me to get you some more soda?

Jamal: Yea. *gives Charlene 20 bucks* Get me a Cherry Coke.

Charlene: You got it, my dude! *gets her car keys, steps out of Jamal's house, gets in her yellow 1984 Chevy Caprice Classic, and drives to Stop and Shop*

Jamal: *watching Bridesmaids*

This story was written on Thursday, March 9th, 2023.

A/N Jamal ran out of soda, but Charlene is getting some more for him! ☺ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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