Francis Is Worried About The Noreaster

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Francis: *apprehensive*

Paul: You alright, son? You seem troubled.

Francis: Its just about this big storm that we're getting on Tuesday.

Brandon: Yes, rain, snow and wind. What's making you nervous about it?

Francis: That we can get a lot of snow. And, we might be snowed in for days. *starts hyperventilating*

Paul: Buddy, relax. Relax. You're gonna be okay.

Francis: *still hyperventilating*

Ashley: Dude, you okay? *concerned*

Paul: He's just nervous about the noreaster coming.

Ashley: I see.

Francis: I feel so dizzy.

Paul: *gets Francis some water* Here.

Francis: *drinks the water*

This story was written on Saturday, March 11th, 2023.

A/N Rain, snow and wind coming here on Tuesday, and Francis is freaking out about it! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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