Dorian Is Upset That Everyone Forgot His Birthday

5 1 18

Middletown High School

LaRosa Lane

Middletown, Connecticut

Dorian: I can't believe everyone forgot my birthday.

Ashley: Wait, today's your birthday?! *leaning against a locker*

Dorian: *seething* Yes!!! I told you guys several times already!!!

Ashley: Oh, I'm sorry! Happy Birthday, Dorian! Don't be upset, okay, buddy?

Dorian: *voice cracking* You guys don't care about me!

Ashley: Dude, we do care! We just forgot, okay?

Dorian: You are dead to me! You all are! *storms off to his English class*

Ashley: Jerk. Its not like we intended to forget.

This story was written on Monday, March 27th, 2023.

A/N Dorian, chill out! Sometimes we don't remember birthdays, till the last minute! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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