Forgetfulness Is Just An Idiot!

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Forgetfulness: I am gonna create a club on Wattpad, and when you get on there and fill the form, I'll reject you!

Me: Why would you do that?

Forgetfulness: You're a loser, that's why.

Mary: Back off, F! You're the loser! And, it sounds like a dumb idea!

Forgetfulness: I'll accept everyone else, but not him! I love being a jerk!

Mary: How about I beat you up?

Forgetfulness: Nah, can't afford it.

Mary: Yes you can! *beats up F*

Forgetfulness: *getting beat up*

Paul: You're a cool dude!

Me: Thank you!

Mary: *still beating up F*

Forgetfulness: *getting beat up*

This story was written on Friday, March 24th, 2023.

A/N Forgetfulness is such an idiot! Why would he create a club and reject me, yet accept everyone else? Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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