That's All Folks!

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We have reached the end of Enchanting Short Stories! We had so many fun adventures throughout this month! Where to start? That girl being called a nerd in school, a girl in Delaware, enjoying cheese popcorn, Steven trying to feed Tyco a burger, a teenage boy skateboarding in traffic, Steven getting bit by Tyco, us encountering a sleet shower, Forgetfulness thinking that writing is dumb, Ariel skipping classes, and getting in trouble for it, Forgetfulness losing his wallet, Walter asking for corn bread, Forgetfulness getting a new vacuum cleaner, Brandon on his way to Monique's house, me folding a girl, Brandon dealing with a girl that scared him in his house, Steven being so cruel to Tyco, Weasel playing horror music on the piano, Shayla dropping out of high school, a dead alligator at the post office, Steven getting pinched for not wearing green on St. Patrick's Day, Forgetfulness getting muted during a Zoom meeting, Ashley's lips getting squished like always, Melissa Hoon involved in hilarious situations as usual, Ariel constantly saying good night to her mother, and getting whacked by a cartoon mallet, Steven thinking he rules while eating Burger King, a teacher helping her student open her locker, Bob and Mary at a 5 Guys in a different location, due to the one being closed in Middletown, us trying the new strawberry Oreos, taking a walk with Mary while she wears her beautiful thigh high boots, Steven working the grill at 5 Guys, and gets burned, Steven turning into a guitar, Steven getting impatient, while Mary and Leslie have a conversation, Steven not caring much for the new and improved 5 Guys in Middletown, some people telling Mr. Skeleton to go away, Mary getting a woman out of a locked car trunk, Iris acting like a mime on Main St, Steven acting racist over the idea of a black girl playing Ariel from The Little Mermaid, Steven wanting to move to Tennessee, Steven accidentally deleting his stories, Steven telling me I can't hang out with Elizabeth, but we both ignore him, and have fun in a magic box, Audrey missing Baltimore, Dorian upset because we all forgot his birthday, Audrey trying on a pair of shiny, black thigh high boots, a girl following her dreams as a writer, against her mother's objections, Kyle being silly, claiming he has two mothers, Steven wanting to yell at someone, and Steven being worried about tomorrow, seeing it is April Fool's Day, for fear of being pranked! We been through it all this month! There were times when my inner critic piped in, and told me to quit writing, and that my stories were a joke! I told him to back off! Why would I quit my passion, due to a stupid voice? I enjoy it so much! And you guys enjoy my stories! I am truly grateful that you are my friends, and support me in my writing endeavors! What adventures await us in the fictional realm, throughout the month of April, remain to be seen! Stick around! Until then, byeee!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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