Steven Comes Across A Dead Snake

3 2 6

Butternut St

Middletown, Connecticut

Steven: *walking and sees a dead snake on the side of the road* Oh my gosh!

Dead Snake: *lying on the side of the road*

Mary: Whoa, I wonder how that snake died?

Paul: It became road kill.

Mary: Maybe a hawk killed it?

Paul: Probably.

Steven: Mary killed it!

Mary: *gives Steven a dirty look*

Steven: *backs away, expecting the worst* Just joking, heh. *runs away*

Mary: *runs after him*

Paul: He gonna get beat up.

This story was written on Wednesday, March 29th, 2023.

A/N Steven came across a dead snake, and he joked about Mary killing him! He ain't funny! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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