Nah! Never Gonna Happen!

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Girl: *wearing a blue sweater, black leggings, white socks, and white Reebok sneakers* Everyone is gonna abandon you soon when April gets here.

Me: Yeah right! You don't what you're talking about!

Girl: I do so! April is gonna be the worse month of your life! People talking to everyone but you!

Me: Why don't you go eat a grapefruit?

Girl: Why don't you make me, loser?

Me: *pulls the girl by her arm*

Girl: Let go of me, dude! *being taken by me*

Me: *puts the girl in a trash can, and puts the lid on*

Girl: *from inside* Hey, get me out! I'm telling my parents!

Trash Man: *picks up the trash can, and tosses the girl into the truck*

Girl: Wait!!! I'm not trash!

Trash Man: *gets back in the truck and drives off*

Girl: Hello?!!!!!!

This story was written on Tuesday, March 28th, 2023.

A/N What that girl said, is never gonna happen! Fictional people want to give me a hard time, I handle them! 😉 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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