Steven Gives Tyco A Bath

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Steven: Time for your bath, Tyco!

Tyco: *walks into the bathroom, licking Steven's face*

Steven: *getting licked on his face* Cut it out! *adds water in the tub, and adds some soap*

Tyco: *barks*

Steven: Shut up! *waits for the water to reach full capacity in the tub* There. *turns off the faucet*

Tyco: *whimpering*

Steven: Hold still, you stupid mutt. *scrubs Tyco's fur*

Tyco: *still whimpering*

Steven: Will you shut up?! Jeez! *still scrubbing* I'm not letting you get any fleas!

Tyco: *splashes Steven and runs away*

Steven: *soaking wet with foamy soap* Tyco, get back here!!!

This story was written on Sunday, March 19th, 2023.

A/N Tyco doesn't like getting a bath! Steven is so cruel to him! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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