Chapter 20 ~ The Countryside

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Mike had arranged a day in the countryside for everyone at Elm Tree House. He managed to find a spot that was completely isolated and alone and they all stood in the middle of one of the fields where they had set up a tent and a few other camping tools.

"Right pick your papers!" Tracy held out a hat with lots of little bits of folded paper. Everyone grabbed a piece of paper and unfolded it.

"Team A over here please!" Mike shouted and pointed next to him.

"Team B over her!" Gina pointed next to her. Y/n and Liam rushed over to each other.

"What team are you on?" They both asked each other in sync, laughing.

"Team A." They both jinxed and laughed again.

"Yay!" Y/n jumped into Liam's arms and he spun her around before they went to stand next to Mike.

"Okay listen up guys and girls!" Mike announced as they all separated into their teams, "Today is all about team building. Learning how to work together out here in the beautiful countryside!" Liam and Y/n gave each other an 'is he being serious right now?' look before chuckling to themselves.

"This is really unfair," Elektra stepped forward to Mike, "We've got all the little kids on our team! I mean we've got Harry!" She pointed at the little blonde boy who was innocently standing there, holding Jeff.

"Well Tracy will take care of him." Mike told her, brushing the problem off.

"Yeah I'll look after him." Tracy nodded, wandering over to Harry, crouching down next to him and the little boy but his arm around Tracy.

"But he's gonna slow us down!" Elektra complained, not letting it go. Liam and Y/n frowned at her.

"We split you into groups only because it's easier to keep an eye on you." Mike explained to her, Liam and Y/n standing right next to him, "It's not a competition!"

"Lucky for you." Y/n told her, leaning forward.

"Cause if it was, you'd lose." Liam finished for her, smirking.

"You'd lose!" Elektra shot back. Immediately the two teams were yelling at each other, debating which team would lose if it was a competition.

"QUIET!" Gina shouted, getting in the middle of them and they all shut their mouths. Liam wrapped his arm around Y/n's waist as the two of them tried not to laugh.

While Mika and Gina were talking some things over, Liam pulled out his phone and started to play games, Y/n watching as she rested her head on his shoulder. Once Mike and Gina had finished their discussion, Mike stepped forward and looked at them all.

"Are you all ready?" He asked them before looking at Liam and grabbing his phone off him.

"Hey I was on level nine!" Liam complained as Mike put Liam's phone in his hat.

"No mobile phones today, just you versus nature," Mike told him, smiling at the frowning boy, "In fact no gadgets at all give them up!" He passed the hat around and everyone groaned, putting their mobiles in and he held the hat in front of Y/n, "Y/n? Phone?" He signalled to the hat.

"I didn't bring mine, there's no point seeing as there's no signal." She told him, putting her hand in her pocket and making sure her phone was tucked in, out of sight.

"Right." Mike looked at her suspiciously before moving on.

"You little liar!" Liam whispered in Y/n's ear, sending shivers down her spine and she smirked at him.

"Don't know what you're talking about." She smiled and grabbed his hand, following Gina with the others to an obstacle course.

"Right teams!" Gina announced, turning around in front of the obstacle course and looking at the two teams, "I want you to take your time! We don't want anyone getting hurt! And especially, what is important is that you work together!" The two teams lined up, ready to go and Mike blew his whistle. It was Elektra and Liam going first.

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