The understanders always dies together...

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  Hi! I have created this fanfic because I couldn't find even one talking about this possibility. So... Here we go! I hope that you are going to enjoy reading this fanfic ( which is my very first one) and apologie ahead for the grammar's problem because English isn't my native language... I haven't finished New Testament yet so you can tell me if I said strange thing but stay respectful please. 

I do not own a certain magical Index


             There was once a certain high school boy like you can find everywhere.

This normal boy had once brought an end to World War III.

This basic Asian boy had then fought against a terrorist organisation who used magic and science alike and spread chaos everywhere on the whole planet.

This average boy had been then thrown by a goddess in an infinite amount of hell. He died to much to remember. Nevertheless, this boy fought against the very same goddess who have brought him there.

This 'boy' for lack of better world had understood this goddess, this 'girl', better than herself. For her to release this fact, he had died once more time...

The very same 'boy' wake up then to see that he was back in his world with the goddess now harmless. The whole world bared their fangs against her. The 'boy' had made the promise to save her.

The story wasn't a romantic one. The place of this promise was just a boat graveyard and the promise came after countless time who had lead the young 'boy' to suffer and die again and again from the hand of this 'girl'...

But this simple promise was in himself a salvation for the 'girl'.

The 'boy' had fought plenty of people and organization in Denmark just for this 'girl' now powerless. 

That was when the 'girl's crime'  had chosen to crush them. Othinus, because it was her name, had in the past reduce a man called Ollerus to a mere bleeding and powerless fairy. That was the reason behind the fact that the average 'boy', Kamijou Touma, was tortured before her very own eye by a saint called Silvia. That was the reason why Othinus neck was severed before the eyes of Kamijou Touma by another saint named Brunhild Eiktobel who wouldn't take he risk to let this magic god use whatever power she could have left.  

This is the end : a dead Othinus and a bloody body which should have been Kamijou Touma.

But is it the real end?

In the last layer of the world, an hidden phase created by magic gods for themselves, many voices could be heard :

-« That could be a problem... » Said a dried voice.

-« Oh? Can you explain what problem this result would bring High Priest? I should admit that Othinus's death don't seem to concerning after all she had done... » Ask another voice.

-« She was selfish, but she had reached the tittle of magic god nevertheless, don't bring her done like that Nephtys. »  Respond the dried voice calmly.

-«  You are to kind High Priest, if it wasn't for the way you look done on the one you save maybe you could have reached enlightenment. » Said a new and joyful voice.

The one called High Priest which was a mummy with a purple priest robe using a golden sword has a staff just laugh. Unperturbed, the woman with silver hairs, brown skin and wearing only a small amount of bandages asked once again.

-« So, how this Norse god's death is of any concern? »

-« Othinus isn't this important in herself but her death can be troublesome if it affect the future scorer to much, couldn't she? » Answered the High Priest and just like that, all the magic gods present went silent. All of them except for the same joyful voice as before, the voice of a purple girl in a Chinese dress called Niang-Niang. The only thing she was going to said bring chaos in this hidden layer of reality.

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