The true Gremlin

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               Hi! Here come the second chapter! I do hope that you are enjoying yourself if you read this fanfic. I try to make this chapter a little bit longer than the first one so tell me if you want longer chapter or if it's just fine. Currently, I'm thinking about what to do in the next chapters. So, even if I know pretty much what I'm going to write after this, does not hesitate to give me your own ideas. I would try to make a good use out of them. Once again, I apologize for the grammar. 

() = what a character is thinking 



                 The place was dark. It was the lair of one of the greatest magician in the whole world's history. The owner of this windowless building was here, floating upside down and connected to wires, inside a tube of red liquid. This 'human' with the traits of both a man, a woman, a saint, a sinner, a child and an adult was looking with is composed face at countless computer's windows.  Aleister Crowley, the silver haired 'human', was converting non-existent values in decimals with the goal to located the hidden phase where the true Gremlin, a group of magic gods from different religions, were hiding. But it wasn't something easy to pull of...

In fact, to say that the 'human' trying to do it was displeased was an understatement...

Currently, Aleister was almost angry with how long it take. Not that the 'human' haven't been expecting that turning non-existent datas in values to pinpoint an hidden layers of reality to take  quite some time. But a lot of things have happened and made this work harder than necessary...

First came the mutation of the magic god Othinus into a fairy which have lessened the power of the Norse phase. This issue had been solved soon enough. After all, Othinus had lost her power to slowly for it to have more than a little, if any, impact on the calculation.

Then Imagine Breaker had gone in what could be called an 'harmless but traumatizing rampage'. It have not created a new phase or altering one of the already existent phase but they have moved and collided like Aleister had never seen in his whole life. Even if it was an interesting yet dangerous development for this silver haired 'human', it had took a lot of time to resume the whole calculation. Almost two weeks had been spend just for that.

And after all of this, when Aleister had been  the closest to obtain the desired location between the layers of reality. The Norse phase had been given a tremendous amount of power all of a sudden and, just like that, Aleister had to correct every single mistake brought by this unexpected change. What had happened was a complete mystery for the 'human' called Aleister Crowley which started to think that his self-inflicted curse to fail in everything he try was maybe a little bit to effective.

The 'human' called Aleister Crowley was almost absolutely pissed off... But he was definitely enjoyed by the fact that he does represent his representation of what a magician should be.


Elsewhere, in Denmark, a young 'boy' was walking in the crowd.

There was more then one strange thing that one could have found in this 'boy'. First came his outfit which was quit out of the ordinary. Then, his eyepatch that no one could have overlooked while seeing his face.

Finally, the 'boy' himself give off a strange sensation. His only eyes made every single people freaked out. It was because they was under the impression that this strange 'boy' was not only able to read them only by watching them, but also because of the calm emptiness in this eye.

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