2. My Dear

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Spongebob didn't know what to tell the two about his beloved wife. It was meant to be a secret. He blew it big time. 

"Well...uh...you see..." Spongebob gulped. His throat was dry; his whole body was sweating and trembling to mention his wife. 

"C'mon, it's not hard to share anything about your wife, lad." Said Mr. Krabs. 

"I can't tell you!" Spongebob protested. 

"Howdy!" Their eyes were moved away from each other as they spotted Sandy and Patrick entering inside of the restaurant. 

"Hi." Patrick greeted. 

"Hi, Sandy!" Spongebob grinned. 

"Perfect." Mr. Krabs smirked. 

Mr. Krabs didn't hesitate to return and make the customers leave the restaurant. All except for the ones that remained inside as he returned and flipped the sign "Closed." 

"Why'd you do that?" Sandy asked. 

"Cause I own this business, and we have an important discussion about someone who hasn't opened up about their mysterious wife material." Said Mr. Krabs.

"Spongebob isn't married." Patrick cackled. 

"Not by the looks of it. However, he had this necklace sent by his wife, which is from The Maldives." Mr. Krabs explained. 

"It's not easy to share much about your lifestyle," Spongebob claimed. 

"Well, tell us how you know about her. She's not just some rat in the street collecting this mess, right?" Mr. Krabs sneered.

Spongebob gasped. "You take that back! My wife is nothing like that, and she's treated the poor with a kind heart, including children." He said, snatching back the necklace and glaring at him. 

"Wow. He sure doesn't look too happy about that insult." Squidward muttered. 

"Hm," Krabs grunted. 

"Alright, simmer down and let him explain," Sandy said. 

"We met a Rock Bottom when I was stuck there after leaving Gloveworld. Remember Patrick?" Spongebob looked over at the pink starfish as digging in his nose. 

"Uh...no. I don't remember." Patrick replied. 

"s  you do! We went on the wrong bus to Gloveworld and landed in Rock Bottom. You got on the bus, and I was stuck trying to escape." Spongebob explained the whole story scenario with his hands on his hips.

"Oh, I remember! You missed nine buses. HAHAHA!" Patrick laughed. 

"Shut it! Continue with the story." Mr. Krab's interrupting the laughter of the pink starfish. 

Spongebob nods. 

"I was stuck down in Rock Bottom..." He continued. 


"FISH PACE!" Spongebob exclaimed. 

He missed another bus since he was stuck down in Rock Bottom. The longer he waited, the longer it would get until another bus arrived

"How am I going to get back to Bikini Bottom now?" He groaned. 

A mysterious person appeared as they approached the yellow sponge and sat next to him on the bench. 

"Waiting for the bus at this time of the hour?" They asked as the yellow sponge looked over at the person. 

"M'yeah. I missed nine buses trying to go back home." Said Spongebob.

"Up there?" They pointed as the yellow sponge faintly smiled.

"Yeah, up there. Uh...have you never been up there before?" Spongebob asked. 

"No. I have not. What's it like?" 

Spongebob couldn't believe his holes in the ears ( LOL XD) as the young maiden asked him what it was like above the surface. They had never been up there, and they were curious. He explained everything up there and knew where to go or shouldn't go, even mentioning the Krusty Krab. 

"Wow! That would be a fun place if only I could experience it." They said, looking down in pity. 

Spongebob looked down at them, feeling sad. 

"Say, how long have you been down here?" He asked. 

"Not long. I lived on the other side from this joint." 

"Oh...tell me more!" Spongebob beamed. 

Spongebob gathered quite an exciting detail about the young maiden, a princess. She didn't want to be seen or get herself out of hand with anyone. However, she mentioned that her parents were planning a wedding arrangement--she didn't want to do it.

"Spongebob, I know we just met...but I can't help to feel connected with you already. It's weird, but hear me out." You inhaled. 


"I love you! Even though we won't be together for a while, I want to--" Her mouth was covered by his yellow hand as he stopped her. 

"My dear, Y/N, do not continue any further. We shall not forever say our goodbyes while trapped down here." He paused. His eyes glanced over in her direction. "I will not let that stop us. However, I do want you to be happy if you feel the same way you feel around me. I don't mind asking you to be my wife." 

"Huh? W-what?" You stuttered. 

"Yes? No? Neither?" Spongebob asked.

You shook your head, giggling at him.

"Oh, Spongebob..." You pecked his forehead, making the yellow sponge blush.

"Wait...that's it? No fancy wedding? Music? Royal family greeting?" Squidward inquired as he interrupted the story looking at the sponge. 

"No. We didn't have any of that. If we did, I don't know what her parents would assume to find out we're married." Spongebob replied. 

"Yet, you don't have a wedding ring on your finger." Said Mr. Krabs.

"I can't afford one. They are just too expensive, but she didn't care." Spongebob reassured. 

"Not even the money?" Mr. Krabs asked. 

"Nah. Well, she hates being a princess in that place and wanted to know what it was like being where we are." Spongebob sadly smiled. 

"Ah, Spongebob. Maybe we should go visit her?" Sandy advised.

"Oh, Sandy, it's not going to be so easy. Y/N warned me about what her home is like, and those guys are tougher than King Neptune's men." Spongebob said. 

"Well, we can surprise her instead!" Patrick beamed. 

"Good idea. A surprise as her royal guest to come to her hometown." Said Mr. Krabs as his eyes changed into dollar signs as he grinned. "We'd even get ourselves free stuff and the money." 

"Okay, I can tell Y/N that--" Spongebob was cut off by Sandy grabbing him by the arm. 

"Hold it, Spongebob. You can't tell her, or the surprise will be ruined." Said Sandy.

"Yeah, and she might not even believe it'll be a surprise when you show up. She'll be devastated." Patrick claimed.

"Your right. Road trip!" Said Spongebob beamed.

𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬| Spongebob Squarepants x Reader ✅Where stories live. Discover now