8. City of Maladives

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After hours of riding on the road, the others finally reached The City of Maldives. Spongebob thanked the dolphins for the ride as their eyes were in 'awe' of the big city where the merpeople and fish civilians lived together. 

"This place is so beautiful!" Sandy complimented. 

"I wonder if they have any money lying around this place. I can hear it now." Mr. Krabs fantasized about the money usage that the people would drop around. 

"SPONGEBOB! Look! They have cotton candy!" Patrick chimed. 

"Even a carousel, roller coasters, and an outdoor pool!" Squealed the yellow sponge as Squidward rolled his eyes at the two idiots overjoying their childish act. 

"You idiots forgot we're here to see." Said Squidward.

"He's right. Let's focus on getting to the palace since we're here." Sandy added. 

Mr. Krabs noticed a billboard on the wall and walked over, "Well, this must be the royal family since the king and queen have seven daughters. All of them look alike except for the tails and hair." 

"Which one is Y/N?" Patrick asked. 

Mr. Krabs scanned all the princesses left and right on the billboard of the royal family. 

"Well, boy, I don't know which one is your wife. She could be any one of them." Said Mr. Krabs. 

"It's easy. Y/N is right here and is the youngest in her royal family." Said Spongebob. He pointed directly at his wife, that had an f/c tail and f/c sea shell to go with her. A clam was also a pin against her hair to the side. She even wore a pearl necklace and a bracelet.

"Wow. Lucky you, Spongebob." Sandy complimented. 

Patrick eyed over at one of the mermaids that had a red tail and black hair posing between the pink mermaid and the yellow mermaid.

"Okay. So, let'slet's devise a plan to visit the Maldives." Said Sandy.

A fish overheard the squirrel and said, "The Maldives are hosting a banquet for their daughter Y/N and her husband, Jace. It's tonight!" 

"Her husband, eh? That's going to be an issue," said Mr. Krabs. 

"Don't worry, Spongebob; I bet that guy Jace isn't someone Y/N likes. I mean...he's not a square, blowing bubbles, cooking in a restaurant all greased up. Heck, he doesn't have anything suitable for Y/N to enjoy." Patrick said as he folded his arms across his chest while Spongebob side-eyed him.

"Thanks, Pat." He replied. 

Spongebob felt a little nervous, even wondering if Y/N would be happy to see him. This guy Jace was just in the way, and he knew that she didn't care about him. 

"SPONGEBOB, LOOK! They got ice cream! Hot dogs and even an amusement park!" Patrick squealed. 

"OMG! We have to go on it." Said Spongebob. 

"Wait, just a--OH! A casino!" Mr. Krab's eyes turned to dollar signs as he snapped his claws together. "HELLO, MONEY!" He hurried off, leaving Sandy, Squidward, and Gary in the dust. 

"Oh great. Now it's just the three of us." Said Squidward. 

He glanced at a tour bus featuring his favorite artist Kelpy Gee. 

"Kelpy Gee is here!? I have to see him this one time only!" Squidward ran over, laughing his heart out as Sandy and Gary were the only ones left. 

"Guess it's just you and me, Gary. This is going to be awhile." Sandy said. 

𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬| Spongebob Squarepants x Reader ✅Where stories live. Discover now