4. The Road Trip

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"Spongebob!" Sandy shouted. 

"Yes, Sandy?" He asked. 

"I need you to clean this for me. This will take us down to Rock Bottom." Said Sandy.

"Sure thing," Spongebob said. 

"Can I help?" Patrick asked.

"Sure, why not?" Sandy insisted on letting the pink star help assist the yellow sponge. 

"We're riding in that piece of junk?" Squidward asked, scrunching up his face. 

"Well, what other ride do you suggest to go on?" Sandy asked. 

"The bus stop is only a few blocks away, and we can take it." Said Squidward.

"Spongebob's wife is a long way to go, and we don't know what's out there," Sandy said, shrugging her shoulders as the squid snorted. 

"Hm. I'm wondering what Spongebob's wife is like. Is she as annoying as that yellow fool?" Squidward asked, pointing over at Spongebob and Patrick. 

The two were giggling, playing around with the hose, and getting suds in their eyes. However, the vehicle was getting cleaned off much faster.

Mr. Krabs was carrying bags in his arms, walking over to them. 

"What's with those bags?" Sandy asked. 

"Well, since we're traveling to The Maldives. I thought about bringing some extra luggage because that place must have a lot of things you can never imagine." Said Mr. Krabs. He turned to look at Squidward. "Mr. Squidward, take these bags." He shoved them into Squidwards arms, which were hard to carry. 

"All finished!" Spongebob announced. 

"Good job, boys. Now we can take her on the road." Said Sandy. 

"This is a nice ride." Mr. Krabs complimented. 

"I made her myself. Ain't she a beauty?" Sandy's eyes twinkled. 

Squidward was carrying the bags into the van, stuffing them in the back. Patrick looked over at his best friend with a grin on his face. 

"Isn't this great, Spongebob? We're going to be meeting with your wife." Patrick beamed. 

"I know!" Spongebob boasted. 

Patrick tapped his head. 

"Uh...what does she look like? Is she like you? All..square and sponge-ish?" He asked. 

"No. She's part--" He was cut off when Squidward grunted to help put more supplies in the van. 

"You two quit chitchatting! I need help getting this junk in the van." He exclaimed. 

"Oh, sorry, Squidward." Spongebob apologized. He went over to help the squid pack up the van while Patrick stood there.

"What?" Patrick asked. 

"Do something, knuckle brain!" Squidward demanded. 

Patrick stood there as he grinned. 

"Oh, okay! Uh...look at this notebook." Said, Patrick. 

"That's my musical notebook! Give me that!" Squidward snatched it from the pink star. 

"Oh, sorry. Hey, what about this thing?" Patrick pulled out a box that belonged to Squidward. 

"That's my clarinet!" Squidward snatched back his clarinet from the pink star growling annoying. 


"Don't you have something else to do other than to be stupid?" Squidward asked, glaring at the pink starfish irritated. 

"Not until four," Patrick replied. 

Squidward blankly stared at Patrick. 

"Aye! Quit diddling around and keep packing." Mr. Krabs scolded. 

"Meow." A tiny meow came from a snail as it slithered across the sand. 

"Aw, Gary, are you excited too?" Spongebob petted his snail that would be tagging along on the trip. "Y/N told me that she has a pet snail too. It's a girl! I bet you two will become great friends." 

"Pft, what does your wife see in you? Isn't she royal and all?" Squidward asked. 

"Duh, Squidward. She sees me differently, unlike anyone else around here." Spongebob thought about what she mentioned about her home, which was different than he realized. "She mentioned creepy critters that might be something we should all be on the lookout for."

"I bet those guys aren't so tough when we go around them." Mr. Krabs cackled. 

"Gee, I don't know Mr. Krabs. THowY/N described them to me when she wrote letters back then as difficult for other visitors. None haven't made it out alive." Said Spongebob trembling at the thought of the monsters in the back of his mind.

"Ah, we'll be fine. I got something to take care of those guys." Sandy said, trying to reassure her friend that there was no trouble. 

While they were all too busy talking, someone small hiding in the van was eavesdropping on them. It was Plankton. 

"Hm, a quick trip to The Maldives, eh? Royalty or not, I bet I could get my hands on them." Plankton grimaced, rubbing his tiny hands together. "When I contact them, I can set up a plan the blame those fools for causing a lot of mess. Mr. Krabs' business will be ruined, and the Krabby Patty formal will be mine!" He cackled. 

While Plankton was laughing, Mr. Krabs got in the van and looked over to notice him. However, Plankton was dressed up as an insect making the crab cringe. 

"Ew! A spider!" He clapped Plankton with his two claws, making it crunch. 

Plankton managed to limp away from him and hid safely in the van. 

"Alright! Everyone ready for the road trip?" Sandy asked. 

"YEAH!" Both Spongebob and Patrick, in unison, boasted. 

Squidward sat beside the two, wincing up at their annoying cheers. Sandy would be the driver, and Spongebob would instruct her since you had given him directions to the palace. 

"This is so exciting! I can't wait until we get to The Mala-Hooves!" Patrick chimed.

"It's The Maldives. Tootherbrains." Squidward corrected. 

"Let's play a game while we get there." Spongebob grinned. 

"Okay!" Patrick beamed.

"Kill me now." Squidward groaned. 

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