7. Grudge

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You were swimming around the castle, holding a book close to your chest until you saw your parents. 

"Y/N, darling! There you are. We were thinking about you." Said your father with a warm smile.

"Oh, goodie." You mumbled. 

"We were just going to announce a royal banquet for you and Jace." Said your mother. 

You blinked slowly at them. 

"A banquet? For what?" You asked. 

"For you and Jace, since you haven't had much time together or gotten along. We want you both to be happy with one another and not distant." Your father explained with a heartwarming smile on his face. 

You formed a deep frown on your lips. 

"I don't need to do this. Can we please stop with this nonsense?" You pleaded, looking at your parents quite irritated. 

"Darling, we just want to make you happy and not--"

"Ugh! I get it already! Jace and I don't need or want any of this." You hissed. 

"Y/N, this marriage between you and Jace has to be tied within a knot. It mustn't be broken after we've arranged this marriage between you both." Your mother looked at you with a soft expression but kept a firm look in her eye, pitying you down. 

"Mother..." You sighed. 

"Tonight, you will attend the banquet and not lay back like a grudge." Said your father, eyeing you with a stern expression. 

"As you wish, father." You muttered.

Spongebob P.O.V.

After escaping from that Anglerfish, we crashed onto the ground that smashed the van. We weren't going to be able to go anywhere.

"Just perfect! How are we going to The Maladive's if we don't have a ride?" Squidward questioned as he flapped his arms around in the air. 

"Meow." Said, Gary. 

"We can hitchhike. Someone might be able to take us there." Said Patrick. 

"And pay the driver for the ride to Maladives? No!" Mr. Krab's protested. 

"I won't stand here with you fish brains since this trip is a catastrophe. It's not like a magical dolphin would appear to hitch us a ride with no questions." Squidward vented. 


There was a pack of dolphins riding motorcycles, and they were all dressed in black. They came together, and the leader was outfitted in a red/white jacket and a helmet. 

"Well, hello there, you fellas. What are you doing out here?" The leader of the dolphin pack inquired, looking at all of us.

I explained our situation, "Um...hello, Mr. Dolphin! We were wondering if you could give us all a ride to head straight to The Maldives. See, we kind ourselves into trouble on the way, and now we don't have a ride." 

The girl dolphin looked up at the leader, "Flipper, we can't let these guys stand around here. It's unsafe to be out in the open, and the Maldives is quite a lot trip." She said. 

The leader nods, "Alright, Sponge. I can hitch you a ride for free and no extra cash." He said as I smiled. 

I looked at Squidward with my eyes lightening up, "Squidward, you just granted us a free ticket to head straight to the Maldives!" I boasted. 

"I...uh...it was just a coincidence!" Squidward proclaimed. 

"What are the odds? Those dolphins don't mind even a single dime." Mr. Krabs said as he climbed on one of the bikes, followed by Sandy and Patrick. 

I carried Gary to place him on my head to get on the leader's bike. Squidward got on the girl's motorcycle, and we zipped off straight to ride ahead. Nothing isn't going to stop our trip now. 


"Ouch..." Plankton grumbled as he climbed out of the torn van and landed on the ground.

He looked around the area to find the place empty and dark. He was screaming his lungs out after the rest were attacked by the Angelerfish--managing to escape. 

"Those darn barnacle heads could've killed me through that whole scenario." He stood up to stretch his limbs. "If there was only one way for me to stop those brats from causing a huge mess. Except I'm small, and they aren't easy to hear me that well." 

Plankton sighed. 

He pulled behind a remote control screen to contact his wife, Karen. 

"Oh, well, hello there, dear." Karen greeted. 

"Karen, my computer wife. I need you to do something for me." Plankton said. 

"What happened this time? Why are you all dirty?" She asked.

"A lot of a pain in the rear, if you know what I mean? Listen, I need one of those things to catch up with those hooligans so I can make it to Maladives City." Said Plankton. 

"Whatever you say." Said, Karen. 

𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬| Spongebob Squarepants x Reader ✅Where stories live. Discover now