3. Attention To Me

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Y/N P.O.V.

I lay on the couch reading a book as I flipped the page. Being a royal princess to be ruled and not do anything fun was dull. My parents forced me to arrange marriage with another prince of the seas, and he's not my type. He's so focused on his strength reflection and selfish. He claimed that I wasn't as near beautiful as other girls. 

However, no one knows that I married someone else behind their back since I first met the right one to treat me like wife material. He's funny, intelligent, and creative that I see in a person, unlike the jerk I was forced to marry. 

"Your majesty, it is almost time for dinner." Said one of the servants. 

"Tell my father I would not be joining," I said. 

"But your majesty, the king requests you to join tonight, unlike your absence at the table." Said the servant.

"I do not wish to join." I protested. 

"I will let the king know, your highness." Said the servant. 

They swam away as I continued where I had left off in the story sighing to myself. I could only wonder what Spongebob might be doing since he would write me letters, draw pictures, or take photographs of what was there that wasn't there. I wanted to be with him and not here. It was boring! Miserable!

"Your highness! Your father requested you to come forth to dinner at once." Said one of the servants. 

I let out an audible sigh at the servant and swam out of my bedroom to head straight into the dining room. I saw my father and seven sisters seated in the room, waiting for dinner. Even my horrible husband sat at the table, flirting with one of our maids. 

"Y/N! You've finally come to join us for dinner." Said my father as he and my mother sat at the table. 

I swam right over to where my sister Jill sat and glared at my husband for flirting. He straightens himself up to face me with a plaster girn. 

"My dear, how are you?" He asked. 

"Fine," I mumbled. 

We sat in silence until the meal was served at the table. Everyone was digging in to grab a bite, and I was picking at my dish, looking miserable. 

"Y/N, darling, is something wrong?" Your mother asked. 

"Nothing at all, mother." You replied. 

"Why so down? Don't you want to eat with us even though you have skipped meals lately?" Said your father as he took a bite of his chicken leg. 

"Not at all, father. I would very much like to eat alone without him around." You scoffed.

"Y/N, that is no way to treat your husband. Jace is a sophisticated gentleman and the husband-material man you were grateful to declare your hand in marriage." Your father scowled as he didn't seem to please by your rudeness.

Jace, your "husband," looked at you, saying," Y/N, if anything is wrong, please tell me. I love you, and I don't want to hurt you." He leaned over at you with a grimacing expression on his face. 

You looked at him side eye and put on a fake smile, "Oh, Jace, I thought you never asked such an obvious question. Let's see...you are simply the worst husband I have ever had to marry. You are a playboy that likes to flirt with other women; you find everything I do is boring, breaking my plushie collection, and you used me for nothing as a toy!" You spat, standing up from your seat and glaring down at him.

"Now, now...Y/N, I think we can work this out. I can fix this, my lovely wife." Said Jace, with a wide grin on his face. 

"I don't see how you'reyou're going to replace all those things. Consider yourself the worst man alive in the ocean!" You shouted, feeling your aura growing as your parents stepped in. 

"Y/N, why don't you head back to your room? I'll discuss it with Jace, darling." Said your father as you covered your face being escorted by your mother swimming next to you to leave out of the dining room. 

"It's horrible! Just awful to be married by that jerk!" You cried.

Your mother looked at you feeling horrible herself to see you in this stage. A forced marriage with the young prince of the sea that wasn't treating her daughter like a loyal husband. 

"Y/N, I know this isn't what you want, but Jace is trying his hardest." Said your mother as she touched your shoulder to give them a gentle rub. 

You frowned. 

"You said that more than a million times after I married that lowlife lunatic!" You backed away from her, turning around to hold yourself to conceal your cries. 

Your mother swims closer to you, continuing, "I know. Not everyone man understands how to work in terms of a relationship. Perhaps give him time--" You held your hand up to prevent her from speaking. 

"I don't love him if he doesn't understand how to treat me like his wife. He's a horrible mom! I can't continue my life, and I can't bear to be miserable with him for the rest of my life!" You hiccuped. You turned around to swim away, and your mother remained in her spot, not following you. 

You entered your room and swam to your mirror, crying. 

"Meow?" A gentle and soft meow came from behind you. 

You lift your head to wipe away your tears and look in the mirror to see your pet snail. Diane. 

"Oh, Diane..." You sniffed. 

Diane was bottom feeder snail. Her shell was blue, with a purple swirl and green dots, and she had a cute black bow on her head. 

"Meow" She meowed. 

You went over to pick her up from the floor and hugged her to comfort her. 

"I don't like this at all. Not even living with that guy any longer." You sniffled. 

Diane nuzzles closer to ensure that things will be just fine. 

"I wish that I wasn't forced to marry. I would rather be with a yellow sponge--Spongebob would understand if only he knew what was going on." You quivered. 

𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬| Spongebob Squarepants x Reader ✅Where stories live. Discover now