9. Tied In A Knot

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While everyone was off goofing around, Sandy and Gary were wandering around doing nothing, just sightseeing. It was when they noticed that the banquet for the royal family was being hosted but guarded well. Only guests with V.I.P. can enter the palace but can't go inside. 

Sandy and Gary find the others, and they look very disappointed in them. 

"Oh, hey, Sandy! Look what we got from the toy store that they were selling." Patrick beamed. 

Mr. Krabs came back with Squidward holding a sack filled with cash inside. 

"What's with the face?" Mr. Krabs asked. 

"Well, while you goons were messing around. You forgot about something important. A person. Love type?" Sandy narrowed her eyes at the others and Spongebob. 

He gulped. 

"Jumping Seahorses! I forgot about Y/N, and it's probably too late!" He cried out, squeezing his cheeks together, trying to restrain himself. 

"We still have time if we can get to the castle. However, there are a lot of guards surrounding the palace, and it must be a big banquet." Said Sandy. 

"Yeah, and this guy looks twice his age." Said Mr. Krabs. 

He looked mortified to see the painting of Jace and Y/N together. Jace looked like he was fishing for someone, and Y/N looked miserable in the image. She was not looking forward to it. 

"So, what now?" Spongebob asked.

"Well...I guess we can use the grappling hook that I bought from one of the local stores nearby." Said Sandy.

They traveled to the palace and found a good place to sneak inside. Sandy clicked on the hook and handed it over to Mr. Krabs.

"Okay, hold this while we climb up." Said Sandy. 

"Why me?" Mr. Krabs asked. 

"You'll squash us," Patrick replied in a blunt tone. 

Mr. Krabs didn't argue as each of them climbed on the rope as he waited for them to reach the top. Soon, he spotted a young fish man walking down, looking very happy. 

"What a day is it?" Mr. Krabs said. 

"It sure is! I found a wallet with fifty bucks in it." Said the young fish civilian revealing a wallet. He walked away while Krabs still held onto the rope. 

The crab looked intrigued to hear the man's happiness finding a wallet, "Huh...funny because my wallet had fif--HEY! Wait a minute!" Mr. Krabs released the rope and started walking towards the civilian. "Come back with my wallet! You are thieving bill draft!" 

"WHOA!" Spongebob yelped.

"Spongebob, hold on! We'll catch you if you fall!" Sandy shouted. 

"I can take care of this!" Patrick jumps in to grab the rope but stupidly makes Spongebob fly up to release from the string. "Oops." Sandy facepalmed. 

Meanwhile, inside the palace, the banquet guests were having their fanciest time celebrating Jace and Y/N.

"Isn't this wonderful, dear? The whole palace is enjoying the banquet we've hosted together." Jace perked up as he wrapped his arm around you to tug you closer to him. 

You shoved him away with your arms folded over your chest. 

"It was you that hosted the party. Not me, Jace." You remarked.

"Y/N, this party is for the two of us, and I wanted to make it special. Give me a chance." Jace pleaded. 

You scoffed. 

𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬| Spongebob Squarepants x Reader ✅Where stories live. Discover now