Prologue 2: Crash

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A week later...
Clementine was at the steering wheel. Kenny was in the front with her, teaching her how to drive. A few days ago when we first found it, he already taught me how to drive. Now we're onto Clementine. "Lets try to shift her into second gear." Kenny told Clementine. Clem put her hand on the gearshift and shifted it, but it was a little rough. "Not bad. Not bad at all. Especially for a first time." Kenny said.
"I wanna do it again." Clementine said, smiling. Kenny nodded. "And once we get to Florida, we'll ditch the wheels and I'll make a sailer out of you guys, mark my words." Kenny said, looked back to me as well. "You two, buddy." He said to AJ. AJ didn't talk to anything. "I just can't get him to talk."
"Heater's broken. He's probably cold." I said. "Do you really think we'll be safer in Florida?"
"I'd rather be scared and warm than scared and frozen." Kenny said. "I'll teach AJ to fish, how to swim. We'll watch the sunrise every morning. All four of us." Kenny planned. "But we ain't getting nowhere going 25 miles an hour. Shift her into third. Lets get her really cookin'." Clementine shifted the car into third gear, this time smoother than before. "Well, there ya to, Clem! Time we get to Florida, you'll both be better drivers than me!" Kenny told her. "I'm proud of you two."
"Thanks again for teaching us, Kenny." I said.
"You know, I... I always dreamed about the day I'd teach Duck to drive." Kenny told us. "You're the best second chances I could ask for."
"Do you guys know where AJ's blanket is?" I asked. Kenny reached back under the back seats. "I really hope he's okay." I said.
"I'm sure he'll talk when he's ready." Clem said.
"Its a bit odd for a child his age. Then again, Albert Einstein didn't talk 'til he was four and look how he turned out." Kenny said. The car started to swerve a little. "CRAP!" Clem shouted. Kenny reached over to the steering wheel and grabbed it. "I got it! Turn the wheel!" He exclaimed. Kenny tried turning it, but the car crashed into a tree. Clem looked back at me and AJ. "Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Are you okay?" I asked her, immediately noticing a little scar she had above her right eye. We both saw Kenny wasn't in the car. "Kenny?!" Clem exclaimed. We saw he was lying down on the road. We ran to him. He was still alive. "Oh shit. Are you okay, Kenny?!" Clem asked.
"I'm fine. I'm fine." Kenny pushed himself up. "Is... AJ okay?" Kenny asked. We nodded. "Shit. Help me up." Kenny held an arm up. I went behind him and put my arm's around him and Clem grabbed his hand to pull him forward. We fell down. "I don't feel anything." He said.
"Th-thats good." Clem said.
"No...Clem, i don't feel... anything. I... I can't feel my legs." He told us. I started shaking his head. "Give it a second, Ken! You went through a freakin' windshield!" I said. Kenny went to try again, but he saw walkers were at the car window. "Hey. Hey! Stay away from him!" He shouted at the walker. More started coming. "You gotta help AJ!"
"We won't leave you!" I grabbed his arm and started pulling. "Not today, you son of a bitch!" He tossed me away from him. "Go! Don't look ba--" I pulled out my pistol and cut him off. "Close your eyes!" I shot Kenny in the head so he wouldn't feel any pain or turn. It pained me to do that. Me and Clementine ran through the walkers to AJ. I opened the door and gave him to Clem, but the car door closed on my left hand. "GAAH!!!" I screamed.
"Y/N!!" Clem shouted. She opened the car door. My hand fell out, but my ring finger was bent backwards and I couldn't feel it. "Fuck!" I said as I looked at it. Clem helped me up. We started running away from the walkers, Clementine holding AJ.

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