Episode 3: I'm So Sorry

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We were all pushed out the front gate. All of us except Eleanor since Lingard wanted her to stay as a doctor. One of them hit Conrad in the back. "Oh what the fuck? We didn't do anything." He said. Ava ran out and dropped a duffel bag of supplies. "David packed this. Start walking." Ava said.
"What about Eleanor?" Tripp asked as he began following Ava. She pushed him back, which pissed Tripp off. "Answer my fucking question." He demanded. I tried to hold him off, but he pushed me away. Ava delivered a punch to him. "Don't fuck this up. Theres a settlement a few miles West from here. Don't come back." She said as the gate closed. I offered my hand to Tripp. He slapped it away and got up. "Did you piss in someone's oatmeal back there? Didn't you say you would give a good word?" Tripp asked.
"We're not dead. Thats something. Lets see what they gave us." I took a look in the bag.
"Knowing them, it's probably a butter knife and a stick of gum." Tripp said.
"They could've just shot us." Jesus said.
"They had more than one chance to. Hell, they still could right now." Y/n said. He looked up at the guards and waved. I went back to the bag. First thing I pulled out, a bat with a map tied to it. "Its a map. They did say David packed it."
"Why's it tied to a bat?" Tripp asked.
"David's sense of humor is always poorly timed." I said. I looked at the map and saw Richmond, a place with an "X" marked on it, and an arrow from Richmond. Looked like they were expanding. "He wants us to head north." I said.
"And to find north, we need to find the north star." I looked up and saw a constellation. I saw the north star. Tripp emptied the rest of the bag. "Hmm... a flashlight, not enough weapons, no food."
Jesus grabbed a hatchet, Clementine grabbed a pistol, Y/n took a knife. "Deal with it." Y/n said. I took a gun and looked at Conrad. "Take it. Call it an apology." Conrad said. "That man in the tunnel... that wasn't me." I gave Conrad the gun without anymore words. "Nobody fires a single shot unless you're deep fucking fried." Tripp said.
"Lets get outta here." Y/n said.

Y/n's POV...
We were back to walking on the road. I heard Javi and Tripp talking about something, then heard Tripp say something about "three things that never hide forever, the sun, the moon, and the truth."
"Hey...Clem. Y/n." Conrad said. We turned and saw him. His expression was full of regret. "Shit. I should be giving you my pistol. I was so kind to y'all when we first met. Even gave my best wishes to y'all, saying you'll be okay. But then Prescott, Francine...all that clouded my mind. I'm sorry." He said.
"Well, we've been in similar situations before, Conrad. Some even shittier." Clementine said. "Keep the gun."
"Yeah, dude. Don't give up the gun." I said. "If I'm being honest, i would do the same if I lost Clementine." Jesus stopped us all. We heard walkers. "About a quarter mile out. Heading the same way we are." Jesus said.
"They're near. Get ready." Clementine said. Conrad and Clem didn't use their guns. I used the knife I had, Jesus used his axe, throwing it into their heads and taking them off the walker's shoulders, and Javi used the baseball bat. Two walkers had Javi at a tree. Clementine grabbed the bat and took them both out. "You should be more careful with this." Clementine said to him. Javi took the bat and Clem helped him up. "We're even now." She told him. Our group continued. "This ain't a good idea. We're following David's map into a herd. He's might really trying to get rid of us." I said.
"He's my brother." Javi said.
"He can't be trusted." Clementine said. She stopped. "We learned that the hard way. This brand is a lie." Clementine said.
"Its a lie that says you can trust us. You belong. But they don't care. They promised they would help him." I told them. They all looked at each other. "But they were going to let him die. AJ, he... he was a boy we took care of when his folks died. We tried helping, but they threw us out."
"We thought AJ would be the one... finally. The one that didn't die." Clem said. Her voice cracked hard. Javi hugged us. I damn near broke down in tears.
And I almost broke down in tears writing this.
"They took him. Our little goofball." Clem said. We moved to the left and saw a garage. But there were some walkers. We went in the fenced area. The fence started rocking. "The garage door can be raised a little, but its jammed or some shit." Javi said.
"Maybe you can force it open." Clem said.
"Find a jack or something." I added. Javi found a jack to open the garage door. We all slid under it. Thankfully, none of us got killed. "Get that goddamn jack outta there!" Tripp said. Javi kicked it out.

Randy Tudor. Good man. DAMN fine man. Powerful stache. One of the greats.

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