Episode 4: Lingard

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Clementine's POV...
We found a few people that remembered me and Y/n. All they said was "Find Doctor Lingard" which pissed me off every time I heard it. So we went to find Lingard. He was at the medical facility. Once we got to him, he was high. Wasted on drugs again. "Uhh, Clem? We got another problem." Y/n said. He opened a window blind. There was a herd outside. "Well, shit." I said. "We're not going anywhere after we find AJ." I started searching around the place. "What? What are you looking for?" Y/n asked me.
"Uhh... just... nothing. Don't worry about it." I told him. I was afraid of telling him about the fact I was bleeding.
"Clem, I'm your brother. You can me anything." He said. I sighed. "Well, uhh... I...started bleeding." I told him.
"Like you cut yourself or something?" He asked.
"No, like...uhh... around..." I motioned my hands around my waist. He stepped back and made a disgusted face. "Uhh...okay, so uhh... that's normal. It happens to girls around your age." He sounded flustered and weirded out.
"Clem? Y/n?" We heard. We saw it was Javi. "Oh, its just you." Y/n said. "Javi, we-holy shit, what happened to you?" We noticed his arm.
"Had a bit of an accident." Javi said.
"One of us can stitch that for you." I told him.
"Alright. But if I lose my arm thats on you." Javi joked. I went to the counter and groaned. Another one of those cramps. "Could you tell her about this?" Y/n asked Javi, then he whispered something to him.
"Oh. It means you're... growing up. Blossoming into womanhood. Your body is developing and... things change. But it'll be okay." Javi told me. "Kate can help you with uhh..."
"Worry about yourself. We need to find a needle and thread." I said, changing the subject. Now i understand why Y/n didn't want to say anything. Y/n had found a needle, threat, a bottle of peroxide, and something else. "By the way, Clem...these might come in handy." He gave me a pack of something called NaturaGlide. "Oh. Yeah, those will take care of you." Javi told me. I was grateful Y/n was looking out for me even if it was awkward for him. Javi sat down and took his shirt off. "I'll stitch him up." Y/n said. He poured the peroxide on a rag and put it on the wound. "Basically, this means you could be a mom now, if you wanted." Javi said.
"Funny. Me and Y/n already felt like parents." I told him. "Kenny told us we were naturals at it."

Y/n stitched Javi's arm up, and wrapped it in bandages as I told him the story of Kenny and how Ava told us we were lights in the darkness. "I owe you one." Javi said.
"Drop it on the pile." Y/n said. Lingard stirred and woke up. "Hello, Clementine. Y/n. Javi? Thought you were rotting in a cell with David. He get out too?" He asked.
"Joan took him." Javi said.
"He deserves whats coming, why care?" Y/n asked.
"He's the reason we lost AJ." I said.
"When AJ recovered, David stepped up and took responsibility for the kid. He's the reason the kid's better off now."
"Cut the bullshit. What can we do to know where AJ is?" Y/n asked. Lingard saw a syringe and a lethal liquid medicine that will kill him. "I just want to die. If David is no longer in charge, I don't want to live under Joan's rule." He got the lethal injection in the syringe. "You kill me, i'll tell you where the boy is."
"Javi, please." I pleaded.
"No deal." Javi said.
"Then let me do it!" I demanded.
"Forget it. The deal's off." Lingard said.
"There's nothing else we can give you?!" Y/n asked. Lingard leaned back. "Thanks, Javi." Y/n said. The three of us left the room.

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