Prologue 3: The New Frontier

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We got to a small shelter. We ran inside. I leaned against a wall. "Are you okay?" She asked me.
"No. I can't feel my finger, but its still there." I told her. I saw a knife on a table. I grabbed it and pointed the tip of the blade at the joint halfway up my finger. I swung the tip of the blade down and it went through my finger skin, making it start to bleed. I bit my tongue to prevent screaming. Then we heard gunshots. "Help! Let me in!" We heard. Clem went to the door, and it swung open. She pulled out her pistol. A woman with no hair and army-like clothing ran in. "Hey." She said as she held the door closed. Clem went to help her. The woman pulled a shelf down in front of the door, barricading it. Clem and the girl sat down. "Sorry for busting in." She said.
"Its fine." I said, covering my hand.
"Shit, what happened to you?" She asked.
"Who are you?" Clementine asked.
"I'm Ava. I'm part of a group called The New Frontier." She rolled up her sleeve and showed a marking that was burned-in to her skin on her arm. I heard AJ cough. "Shh...its okay, pal." I grabbed AJ. "He's hungry."
"Why don't you come to my group? We can fix up your hand and help with your kid." Ava said.
"We aren't his parents. That'd be extremely weird since...well, we're brother and sister." I said.
"Oh. Explains the similarities and why you both look a little young. What are you, thirteen and eighteen?" She asked.
"Perfect, actually. you have room?" I asked. "We got rejected from a community further north because they were over capacity."
"Yeah, we have room." Ava told us, looking a tad bit confused. "Come on."
"Well... what do you think, Clem?" I asked my sister. I was thinking we should go, but i had to ask her since we both have a choice. "We should go." Clem said.
"Okay. We'll wait out the herd and find my people from then." Ava said. We all rested for a while.

Two nights later...
We were at a camp with our new group, The New Frontier. The leaders there were David Garcia and Paul Lingard. Lingard was a doctor and was taking care of AJ. However, he had to give up on him because he said there was no more cure. Clementine had snuck up to the medicine with AJ to find Lingard asleep. He was an addict. Constantly took and wasted drugs on himself. Clementine found the needed medicine, which is when Lingard woke up. She injected the medicine into AJ, making him pass out. David ran over to Clem. "What the hell is this?" He asked. He stopped Clementine from running. David saw the medicine bottle. "That medicine was wasted on AJ." He said.
"Stay back!" I yelled. I ran to them and got in front of Clementine. "We just wanted to help the boy." I said.
"You didn't help him. If anything, he might be worse now!" David stated. "How could you be so selfish?"
"What else could we have happen?" Clementine asked.
"That waste is gonna cost someone's life down the road." David told us.
"Come on, David. She was trying to help her kid." Ava tried reasoning with David.
"We've helped enough. We should have left him in the woods a week ago!" David said. "We opened our arms to you, made you one of us. This is how you repay us? By stealing?!" David asked. "By putting yourself before the group?!" It was at that moment we couldn't negotiate with him. "You're done here. Both of you."
"We made the right call. One you refused to make." Clem told David.
"Well I'm making one now." David said. "Get your shit and get out."
"Maybe we should give her another chance." Lingard tried saying.
"You know what Joan would say if she were here." David told Lingard.
"Well, then lets go." I said. Me and Clem turned around, but Ava blocked us. "Uh uh. He stays." David says.
"What?! Why?" I asked.
"He'll only drag you two down out there." Ava said. "You two can't take care of him alone. Let him go." Ava grabbed AJ and David threw Clem to the side. "Nooo!!! You monsters!" Clem cried. I ran to grab AJ, but David and another person held me back. "Fucking assholes! Give us back the boy!" I shouted. They wrestled to keep me back until I finally gave in and panted. They let go of me. "Can't we please...just say goodbye?" I asked in a shaky voice.
"Let them." Ava said. We walked to AJ. "Be strong, buddy." I said.
"I'm sorry, AJ." Clem said. She kissed his forehead.
"Come on, you two." David said. AJ was in my reach and Paul was high. I had the chance to take AJ and run like hell, but i didn't. I knew it could possibly be a death sentence to me and Clem. We both started walking away. The last thing we heard in a little baby was... "Clem!" AJ said his first word. I wanted to run back, but i knew I couldn't.

1 month later...
Me and Clem had been living in that shelter for the past month. Not a day went by that we didn't think of AJ. Every night when we returned, Clem would sit on the ground leaning against a table. I hated seeing my sister cry. I sat next to her and hugged her. We both needed it. We then heard a rustling from outside. We ran out there. I drew my knife. "Come out or I'll use you as knife throwing practice!" I said in a stern voice.
"Woah there, its just me." We saw Ava.
"The fuck do you want?" I asked, obviously pissed off.
"I'm glad I found you guys." She said. Clementine was pissed off as well. She didn't even look at Ava. "I'm sorry for AJ."
"You have to give AJ back. Please!" Clem begged. "He needs us! We need him!"
"Thats just not going to happen, Clem." Ava told us. "Its not much, but here." She dropped a duffel bag that had energy bars, water, canned food, and a drawing AJ made. "Thank you." Clem cried.
"Consider it a peace offering." Ava said. "Just try to remember that, even if it feels wrong, people can still be trying to do the right thing for you." She said.
"We'll find more people, Clem." I said.
"Your thing to keep going in the world is out there." Ava said.
"You know what keeps me goin'? Keeps me awake at night? Knowing my sister. As long as I have Clementine, I'll keep moving. But that doesn't change that your people took AJ!" I told Ava.
"You guys and AJ were a light in the darkness; hope for a better future. Promise you'll never lose that light." Ava wished.
"I promise." Clem said. Before Ava left, she told us about a community ten miles south; Prescott.

The Walking Dead Game: A New Frontier X Brother of Clementine ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now