Going out

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Ayaka's POV

I was laying on my bed reading a book which I was reading because I was bored but after I read a few chapters I started to feel bored again "This is getting so bored" I thought to myself.After finishing the book I suddenly got an idea "Maybe I should ask Lumine for hanging out with me" I thought of this idea for a while then I thought what if she doesn't want to hang out with me because who would like to hang out or like a nerd like me but then I heard knocking on my door "Ayaka you there" Lumine asked me from outside the door "yes come in" I replied back then Lumine entered the room and smiled at me I smiled back at her then she sat down next to me on my bed "what were you doing" I asked "nothing special just getting bored" we sat there for a while staring at eachother then I thought maybe I should ask her "Lumine will you be interested in g-going
o-out w-with m-me t-to a-an restaurant t-tonight t-to e-e-a-t with me" I asked Lumine nervous that she will say no or say I don't like nerd like you "why did you wait so long to ask me that I was getting very bored that's an great idea" Lumine said with a smile I smiled back at her then she asked me confused "but where are we going tonight" ,"I have an idea where to go don't take tension of it so let's meet at 7:45 pm in the dorm room" I told her she nodded at me then went to my room's door and gave me a smile that melted my inside then closed the door and went to her room."what are these strange feelings"I thought to myself" but I didn't care for that at the moment the only thing that I cared was that Lumine agreed to go out with me to eat and didn't say that I was a nerd and she doesn't like me or something after I got changed I went to the dorm room.

Lumine's POV

I was laying on my bed very bored because I didn't had anything to do so I thought of going to Ayaka to ask her for something so I don't get bored or talk to her when I went to her door I knocked on her door and asked "Ayaka you there" she replied from the inside "yes come in"
I heard her say I entered the room and smiled at her and she smiled back at me I sat down next to her on her bed and we stared at eachother for a while then Ayaka asked me if I would be interested in going out with her to an restaurant to eat tonight I can tell she was nervous through her voice but I told her without even thinking "why did you wait so long to ask me that I was getting very bored that's an great idea" I said this with a smile because I wanted to know her better and she smiled back at me I then asked her "but where are we going tonight" I asked her confused "I have an idea where to go tonight don't take tension of it so let's meet at 7:45 pm in the door room" she told me and I nodded then went to the room's door then gave her a smile and went to my room to get changed.

After I was changed I went to sit on the dorm room's couch and after a few seconds Ayaka came to the dorm room "she looks so beautiful " I thought to myself then she asked me "are you ready","yeah let's go" I replied back after that we exited our dorm locked the door then went to the collage's gate after that we exited the gate "where are we going" I asked Ayaka she replied to me "it's a suprise" we walked for a while to the right of the collage until we saw a Japanese restaurant after that we went to the Japanese restaurant "It's the closest to which I can get to my home's food" Ayaka said to me I nodded at her then we entered the restaurant and ordered some sushi and hot spicy ramen after we were done eating and payed the bill we exited the restaurant and started walking to collage again on the way to collage we saw somepeople whom I didn't saw or knew about.

Ayaka's POV

After I was ready to go and eat dinner tonight with Lumine I went to the dorm room to see Lumine when she realised I had entered the dorm room she looked at me "she looks so beautiful" I thought to myself .

After we had eaten our dinner and payed the bill and exited the restaurant and was on our way to collage I saw some familiar faces "Hey look guys who do we have here miss perfect" I heard Kujou Sara say to Yoimiya and Sangonomiya Kokomi "what are you doing here nerd" Kokomi said to me "and who may you be"
I heard Yoimiya say to Lumine,I was terrified of loosing Lumine what if she knew that I was always bullied,hated by all and was a nerd I didn't wanted to lose Lumine she was my only friend what if she also started hating me and bullying me Lumine was the only person I trusted at this time I couldn't lose Lumine I thought to myself but what happened next shocked both me and Yoimiya,Sara and Kokomi "my name is Lumine I don't know you guys and I don't even want to but understand this stay away from Ayaka she's my bestfriend" I heard Lumine say then I felt Lumine grab my hand and start walking to collage I heard Sara shout "you are gonna pay for this you are lucky we were not in the mood to beat you" I was brain-dead I couldn't process what had happened but what I do know is that Lumine stood up for me and she's a great friend and I owe her one "thanks Lumine for standing up for me" I told her walking beside her still holding hands "no problem Ayaka this is what friends are for" she replied back with a smile I smiled back at her then suddenly it started started raining I saw Lumine let go of hand and she standed in the rain and started dancing looking very happy and smiling "OMG she looks so beautiful" I thought to myself "have you gone mad Lumine you will catch a cold we have to see our classes schedule and other stuff tomorrow","come on Ayaka it is not a big deal if I catch a cold what matters right now is to enjoy this moment,"she is right" I thought to myself then I went to her and we grabbed eachother's hands then we started dancing and spinning in the rain.

After we enjoyed,had fun in rain we entered the collage's gate then the main building then our dorm.

Lumine's POV

I don't know what came over me when they started trash talking about Ayaka but I couldn't just stand there and hear about my friend like that when we have dealt with the three of them which I still didn't knew about and were on our way to collage it started raining I let go of Ayaka's hand which I was holding I didn't even realise and started dancing in the rain "Have you gone mad Lumine you will catch a cold" I heard Ayaka say but I didn't care about catching a cold right now the only thing I cared about right now was to enjoy this weather and moment "Come on Ayaka it is not a big deal if I catch a cold what matters right now is to enjoy this moment" I replied back to her then I saw her moving towards me then we holded eachother's hands then danced in the rain.

After that we went to collage's gate then entered the main building then we entered our dorm after entering our dorm Ayaka opened her ponytail and shaked her hair to dry them "wow she looks beautiful" I thought to myself after she was done she said to me with a smile "thank you Lumine for going with me tonight" I replied back with a smile "you don't need to thank me I should be the one thanking you because it was your idea to go and eat dinner tonight."Bye Lumine see you tomorrow good night" she said to me before going to her room
"Good night Ayaka see you tomorrow"
I replied back after that we went to our rooms to sleep "tomorrow is going to be a long day" I thought to myself before going to sleep.

A/N : 1512 words in this one I hope you like it, it is the most I have written so far and please don't ask me how Lumine and Ayaka have dressed I have no idea about fashion and looks 😅 you guys can think how they look and how they have dressed .Bye see you in the next chapter peace out.

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