| 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 |

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hello!!, I'm just going to put songs at the beginning of each chapter, you know, songs that I think match the chapter, and you can listen to them while reading if you want! just for the aesthetic

also, big self harm and depression warning for most of this book, ill be adding warnings as we go.

also, big self harm and depression warning for most of this book, ill be adding warnings as we go

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the dark and gloomy day had a somber atmosphere, with heavy storm clouds dominating the sky. the air was filled with a sense of impending rain, and the cold winds cut through the air, chilling everything in their path. this was the perfect setting for you, as you found solace and comfort in days like this, embracing the melancholy and embracing the beauty in the darkness.

stepping out of your house, you braved the elements, determined to face the world despite the emotional weight you carried within. your attire was a reflection of your mood— it wrapped you in its warmth while the sturdy boots protect your feet from the wet ground. 

with umbrella in hand, you raised it high to shield yourself from the pouring rain. its canopy, a shield against the world, provided a small sanctuary amidst the storm. the raindrops cascaded around you, their gentle patter becoming a soothing symphony against the nearby roof.

as you ventured forward, the wind whipped at your clothes and pushed against your body, mirroring the turbulence within your mind. thoughts swirled and churned, each gust of wind pushing them in different directions. it was overwhelming, the weight of loss and despair pressing heavily on your heart.

the cold drops of rain touched your skin, leaving trails of moisture. the physical sensation of the raindrops mingled with the emotional pain you felt, creating a combination of sensations that made your whole being tremble. the exhaustion that settled deep within your bones.

navigating through the rainy streets, you walked with a steady determination, seeking refuge from the tempest within. the vibrant lights of the city were muted in the gray haze, their glow subdued by the relentless downpour. 

finally, you arrived at the coffee shop, a haven of warmth and familiarity. as you pushed open the door, a gust of warmth enveloped you, accompanied by the intoxicating aroma of freshly brewed coffee. the rich scent filled your lungs, instantly awakening your senses and offering a glimmer of respite.

stepping inside, you closed your umbrella, allowing the water droplets to drip onto the mat, their soft patter joining the chorus of rain outside. the cozy atmosphere of the coffee shop embraced you like an old friend, its soft lighting casting a warm glow on your weary soul.

as you made your way towards your favorite table, lost in your thoughts, a sudden jolt disrupted your steps. the impact was forceful, almost knocking you off balance, but with a swift reflex, you managed to catch yourself just in time, preventing an embarrassing tumble onto the floor.

before you had the chance to fully comprehend what had just transpired, your attention shifted to the person you collided with. standing before you was a super tall guy, his height towering above the average crowd, giving him an air of undeniable presence. the surprise and shock were evident on his face, his brows furrowing slightly in response to the unexpected force of the bump.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑 ; onceler x readerWhere stories live. Discover now