| 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲 |

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warning; mention of self inflicted wounds. depressive thoughts.

your mind slowly began to rouse from its slumber, stirred by the cheerful chirping of birds outside

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your mind slowly began to rouse from its slumber, stirred by the cheerful chirping of birds outside. your body followed suit, gradually regaining its functionality as you reluctantly emerged from the depths of sleep. a wave of frustration washed over you as you cursed the necessity of waking up. 

extending your arms and blinking your still-drowsy eyes, you halfheartedly scanned the room for the presence of another body. you were certain that they had occupied the couch moments ago. however, as your vision sharpened, you came to the realization that the couch lay empty. confusion permeated the remnants of sleep as you struggled to recall the events leading up to this moment.

the door creaked open, capturing your attention, and there stood onceler, peering in with a mischievous grin adorning his face. "good morning!" he chuckled, his voice brimming with lightheartedness as he approached you and settled down on his bed. his gaze fell upon your disheveled hair, prompting a soft chuckle to escape his lips. yawning, you mustered the energy to ask, "why are you up so early?" your eyes focused on his face, seeking an explanation for his early awakening.

he shrugged playfully, his grin widening. "i guess i was just in a nice mood, you know?" his response was accompanied by a gentle shrug, as if the joy within him couldn't be contained. the early morning sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow upon the room.

you nodded, still rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you took in onceler's playful comment. "you look stupid," he had teased, prompting a chuckle to escape his lips. in response, you let out a grumbling sound and continued to rub your eyes, but a hint of insecurity began to creep into your thoughts. sensing your vulnerability, onceler reached out and gently stroked your back, his touch offering reassurance. "hey, i'm just kidding. you look fine," he assured you, his voice carrying a joking tone.

amidst the exchange, the rumbling of your stomach became impossible to ignore. "i'm starving," you admitted, the hunger evident in your voice. onceler hummed in acknowledgment, offering a solution. "i made breakfast. as usual, brush your teeth and do whatever you need to do, then come sit down with me." you nodded in agreement, grateful for his thoughtfulness.

as you made your way to the bathroom, onceler asked if you wanted him to close the door. however, he predictably left it open, causing you to let out another groan of exasperation. this was a recurring habit of his that always managed to irk you. you entered the bathroom, scowling once again as you stared at your own reflection in the mirror. the sight of your own face only intensified your self-disgust, and a heavy sigh escaped your lips.

you take off your pajamas, revealing the wounds and scars that adorned your body—testaments to your own struggles. closing your eyes and furrowing your brows, you took a moment to compose yourself before proceeding with your morning routine. you brushed your hair and teeth, opting for a simple hoodie and sweatpants that lay nearby. slipping on a pair of socks, you braced yourself for the day ahead.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑 ; onceler x readerWhere stories live. Discover now