♡ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫 ♡

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as the soft morning light filled the room, you woke up and stretched, feeling refreshed

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as the soft morning light filled the room, you woke up and stretched, feeling refreshed. you noticed onceler lying peacefully beside you and couldn't help but smile at his calm expression. you gently brushed a strand of hair from his face before getting out of bed.

heading towards the balcony, something caught your eye, causing you to pause. on the floor, there was a large, strange-looking seed with a swirling pattern. it was placed there neatly, almost as if it was meant for you to find. curiosity sparked within you as you picked it up, examining its unique design in the soft purple light streaming through the window. you had never seen a seed like this before.

feeling a sense of wonder and possibility, you decided to plant the seed. after all, there were no more plants around, and you felt a deep desire to nurture this special seed. grabbing a random pot and some soil you found, you carefully placed the seed in the pot, gently patting the soil around it. with a watering can in hand, you watered the seed, watching as droplets of water settled on its surface.

placing the pot in front of the window, you took a step back, admiring your work. with a smile on your face, you eagerly awaited the day when the seed would sprout, bringing a touch of nature's wonder back into your world.

then you hear a groan behind you, you turned your attention to the noise to see onceler, who was slowly awakening from his slumber. his eyes fluttered open, and you couldn't help but smile at the sight of his drowsy yet endearing expression. "hey there, good morning, sleepyhead," you greeted him with a tender voice, filled with affection.

stretching his arms above his head, onceler yawned softly and returned your smile. "morning," he mumbled, his voice still laced with traces of sleepiness. he rubbed his eyes and sat up, his gaze meeting yours. "What's got you up so early?"

you walked over to him, the anticipation of the new day swirling in your heart. "come, look at this," you said, your voice filled with excitement. onceler raised an eyebrow curiously, intrigued by your enthusiasm. "i found a seed, i don't know what it's for... but it could be a start to something!"

his eyes widened with curiosity and wonder, matching the sparkle in your own. "a seed? where'd you find it?" he inquired, a mix of intrigue and anticipation in his voice.

"i just found it.." you pointed at the balcony "right there. it caught my eye, and i thought, why not give it a shot?" you replied.

onceler's eyes sparkled with excitement. "who knows what could sprout from that little thing? let's see what happens!"

you nodded, feeling a rush of anticipation. "exactly! i couldn't resist giving it a home in this pot."

days turned into weeks, and the seed remained a source of fascination for both of you. it became a daily routine to check on its progress, giggling at the thought of what might emerge from the soil.

in the evenings, you and onceler would sit by the pot, whispering sweet nothings to the seed. you'd come up with silly names for it, like sprouty mcsproutface or seedrick the magnificent, causing fits of laughter to fill the room.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑 ; onceler x readerWhere stories live. Discover now