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im having way too much fun with this

a couple of hours pass, and you find yourself pacing back and forth in the room, consumed by your own thoughts

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a couple of hours pass, and you find yourself pacing back and forth in the room, consumed by your own thoughts. you're desperately trying to come up with a way to make onceler believe you and see through isabella's lies.

as you're lost in your own world of overthinking, the door suddenly opens, and onceler walks in. his expression is still filled with doubt and uncertainty. you take a deep breath, mustering up the courage to speak your truth.

"onceler, please, you have to listen to me," you plead, your voice trembling slightly, it's still raspy. "your mom is lying. she's trying to tear us apart and make you believe these horrible things about me."

he crosses his arms, a mixture of frustration and confusion etched on his face. "i don't know who to believe anymore, y/n. she's my mother, and you... you're the love of my life. but she painted such a real picture of you mistreating her and being... well, bad."

tears well up in your eyes as you reach out and gently take onceler's hands in yours. "i understand that it's difficult for you, but please remember who she truly is. remember how she treated you when you lived together. she was never there for you, onceler. she was always putting herself first, making you feel small and insignificant."

his eyes soften slightly, a flicker of doubt beginning to appear. "but why would she lie? what does she get from all of this?"

you take a deep breath, gathering your thoughts. "she wants to control you, onceler. she's afraid of losing you, and she'll do anything to make sure that happens. she sees our relationship as a threat, and she'll stop at nothing to break us apart."

onceler's gaze shifts, and you can see the internal struggle within him. you continue, your voice filled with honesty and vulnerability. "i love you, onceler. i would never hurt you or use you for your money. all i want is for us to be happy and have a future together. please, trust in our love and see through her manipulations."

he sighs, his eyes searching yours for the truth. slowly, a glimmer of understanding and realization appears on his face. "maybe you're right.. i believe you, okay? just... i need her to stay with me, my whole family, i love them too much."

relief washes over you as onceler takes a step closer, wrapping his arms around you tightly. "okay, yeah, that's fine." you smile, but deep down you were upset, you really wanted his family gone, but like before, you can't take away his happiness.

you bury your face in his chest, "god, that's a lot off my chest." you laugh and he chuckles. you decide to let go of the weight of the recent events and focus on something better, but he already saw right through you and starts by grabbing a pillow and playfully throwing it in your direction, his mischievous grin inviting you to join in on the fun. you quickly retaliate, engaging in a pillow fight that sends feathers flying through the air. laughter fills the room as you both jump on the bed, bouncing and giggling like carefree children.

afterwards, you collapse onto the bed, catching your breath and allowing the room to fill with contented silence. onceler's arm finds its way around your waist as he pulls you close, his warm embrace providing a sense of security and comfort. you rest your head on his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

as the evening wears on, you both find yourselves snuggled under the covers, engrossed in a classic movie. the soft glow of the screen illuminates the room, casting a warm aura. as the storm rages outside, the room is enveloped in darkness, illuminated only by the occasional flash of lightning. the sound of rain hitting the window creates a soothing rhythm, casting a cozy ambiance upon the room. you can't help but smile as you glance out the window, mesmerized by the cascading droplets that dance against the glass.

the sudden strike of lightning startles both you and onceler, causing a simultaneous jump in surprise. laughter escapes from his lips, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "you got scared!" he teases, pointing an accusatory finger in your direction. playfully, you raise an eyebrow and point back at him. "like you didn't? i saw it too!"

he places a hand over his heart, feigning offense. "nuh-uh! i didn't!" he protests, a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of his lips. you roll your eyes, unimpressed. "i don't like liars," you declare, crossing your arms and adopting a mock stern expression.

onceler laughs, his infectious laughter filling the room. he playfully pokes his head up, leaning closer to you. "yeah, yeah, whatever," he responds, before playfully pushing you off the bed. you fall onto the soft carpet with a playful thud, feigning shock.

suddenly, another lightning strike illuminates the room, followed by a complete power outage. the room is engulfed in darkness, save for the faint glow of the storm outside. you can't help but express your excitement, your voice filled with genuine joy. "god, i love rain."

onceler glances at you, his eyes reflecting the dim light. he can't help but respond with a hint of sarcasm. "really? wow, i had no clue," he retorts, a playful tone lacing his words. you playfully punch his arm, a mixture of affection and annoyance. "shut up!"

but in a sudden twist, onceler seizes the opportunity to playfully assert his dominance. he swiftly moves, climbing on top of you and pinning you to the bed. the unexpected action elicits a gasp from your lips, a blush creeping onto your cheeks as your heart quickens its pace.

with a playful laugh, you attempt to push onceler off you, playfully pleading, "get off me!" he responds with a yawn, feigning laziness, and mutters, "i don't feel like it." ignoring his protest, you continue to push and wiggle beneath him, trying to escape his grip. your efforts only result in a fit of laughter, filling the room with joyous echoes.

in response to your playful kicks, onceler finally relents and rolls off you, settling onto his side of the bed with a contented huff. the room is once again illuminated as the lights flicker back to life, casting a warm glow over the space. you catch your breath, a smile lingering on your lips as you adjust yourself on the bed.

as the storm continues its symphony outside, onceler turns to you, his eyes reflecting the gentle illumination. his voice carries a hint of anticipation as he suggests, "wanna finish the movie?" you nod eagerly, appreciating the idea of snuggling up together.

you reach for the remote, your fingers interlacing with his as you search for the movie you had started earlier. the soft glow of the screen bathes your faces in a dim, captivating light as you both settle back into the comfortable embrace of the pillows and blankets.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑 ; onceler x readerWhere stories live. Discover now