𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 • 𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕍𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖

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        ᗰY EᗩᖇS ᖇIᑎG as I regain consciousness

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Y EᗩᖇS IG as I regain consciousness. I don't want to open my eyes. My head is pulsating painfully. My stomach feels like a dagger is stuck inside, piercing the walls of my abdomen, and nausea has a strong hold on me. I try to peel open my eyelids, but they feel so heavy, and I just want to stay in the safety of my dark oblivion forever.


But there it is. That deep, clear-as-glass voice that makes me fight harder to open my eyes. Light floods my pupils, making me squint. Finally, I see Aleksander's colorless eyes searching mine. I am lying in our bed under the covers. His shoulders untense, and he lets out a relieved breath.

        "Saints, Alina," he says with a bit of anger in his voice. Not at me, though. Through our connection, I could feel his anger at himself for what's happened to me. I reached out and put my hand over his, letting him know whatever happened was not his fault. He takes my hand and holds it firmly as if to reassure himself that I am still here, alive and well. . . or alive at least.

My voice comes out no more than a hashed whimper. "What happened?"

Aleksander looks down at me with a sorrowful expression, tenderly stroking my cheek. He says, "You were poisoned. Healers have been in and out, slowly getting it all out of your system. Somehow, the culprit got to our meal, which gives us reason to believe they are working with someone inside the palace. Someone trusted."

If our meal was poisoned, then. . .

I sit up in a panic. My head spins because of the fast movement. "Amelia. Where is she? Is she okay?"

Aleksander pushes me back down onto the pillow and calms me down. "She is alright. We checked. Nothing she ingested was tainted with. The same goes for me. But," he lets out a long sigh. "The poison was discovered in your glass of water, and yours alone. You were their intended target."

I sit up shakily, leaning against the headboard. "Why?" I ask him. Why would someone want to hurt me individually?

Right then, there is a knock at the door. Aleksander stands up from the bed to answer. A Tidemaker appears on the other side, discussing something with the Darkling. I can't hear details of the conversation, but I didn't need to after I deciphered the words, "They have been detained."

Another moment passes, and the Tidemaker departs, leaving me and Aleks alone once again.

"I guess we will get an answer to your question sooner than expected," he states gravely.

I slide out of bed none too gracefully and start to put on my boots.

He looks at me darkly. "What are you doing?"

"We are going to see the people who poisoned me."

He advances quickly and grabs my wrist, preventing me from putting on my other boot. "We are not doing anything. I will be interrogating the criminals by myself while you rest."

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