𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟏 • 𝕄𝕒𝕪 𝕊𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕆𝕝𝕕 𝔾𝕦𝕚𝕕𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦

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Bruh, how could they not renew S&B?! Bad, Netflix. I guess we'll just have to stew here on Wattpad in our sadness and read fanfics about the Grishaverse. What do you all think? Were they right to cancel Shadow & Bone?

 What do you all think? Were they right to cancel Shadow & Bone?

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E'E EE TᖇᗩᐯEIG for an hour now. I'm not sure which direction, but definitely not southwest like we were before. I fight against the coarse ropes keeping my hands apart, wincing as they dig into my already raw skin. The loop around my wrist slips enough to get my hopes up. At the same time, I use my knees to tug at the gag covering my mouth. It finally loosens and falls to my chin. I pull harder on the other restraints, but the carriage comes to a halt, making my body snap forward. The red-bearded man climbs off of his bench and approaches me while clicking his tongue. "Now, now. It will be easier for both of us if you just stop floundering."

He bends down to tighten the ropes again, making sure they are inescapable. Then, he reaches for my gag, but before he can pull it up, I blurt out, "Sell me to Shu Han! Then we both get what we want! You get your money, and I get where I need to go."

"Crossing the southern border is too risky. Besides, I think yer husband is far more desperate to get his wife back. He will pay more."

"Do you really think the Darkling will pay you? I know him better than anyone else does. He will submit you to a fate worse than death for kidnapping me."

That must have stuck a fork in his current plan because he bites his lip and runs a hand over the frame of his jaw in frustration.

        "You didn't plan this at all, did you?" I ask with a quirked-up brow.

        "Claims the girl who had no mode of transportation until I showed up. What were you planning to do, walk to Shu Han?"

        "Alright, fine," I grumble. Maybe we were both stupid. Although, I didn't have time to plan. Planning and strategy are Aleksander's strengths, not mine. It would have given him more time to be suspicious, and I would have surely been caught.

An idea pops into my head. It has many variables, but it might just work. "Get me to a bordering town, Sikursk maybe," I suggest. "There are lots of Shu soldiers that reside there because of the ongoing frontier wars. You wouldn't have to risk jumping the border. There is a standing warrant for my capture, so if you are the one to hand me over, you will receive the reward."

The scraggly man scratches his beard in thought, mulling over the possibility.

"Yer sure this plan will work, Girlie?"

I shrug my shoulders as best as I can in the hefty restraints. "You'd stand a better chance than if you return me to Os Alta, Red-beard," I mock. I don't actually know his name since introductions are futile in the criminal world. He would only offer an alias anyway.

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