Chapter 14

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Those had been the only words they had exchanged in weeks.

Those silent words.

But everyday, during history, Beomgyu would get there early. Yeonjun would come in as the bell rang.

And they would sit on opposite sides of the classroom. And whenever he got the chance he would glance at Yeonjun.

And nearly every time he did so, their eyes would meet.

Beomgyu didn't know if it was excitement or fear, but whatever it was, he was starting to like it.

And he knew that made him sick.

Taehyun still didn't know about the vampire being in his class, and he didn't intent to tell him.

Just by Taehyun's reaction the other day at lunch, Beomgyu knew giving out such knowledge was not a good idea for him.

Taehyun and Beomgyu had been picked to go get lunch that day, and as soon as Beomgyu had walked into the cafeteria he had found Yeonjun immediately.

Sitting in the corner of the room (with what Kai calls his 'posse') and looking back at Beomgyu.

Yeonjun had seemed fine, normal almost, until he spotted Taehyun right by him.

And Beomgyu had been reintroduced in his fear for the vampire.

For the first time Beomgyu had seen Yeonjun's eyes shift.
And it was something he never wanted to see again.

The whites of his eyes going black, much like Kai's, and a deep crimson glowing from where his irises should have been.
It was demonic.

Yeonjun's friends had looked concerned. Pissed, but concerned.
One of them going as far as to grab Yeonjun's arm, prepared to hold him back less he pounce.

And Taehyun...

Taehyun had looked like he was about wage a war. He immediately turned around, dragging Beomgyu out of the cafeteria with him.

He hadn't let Beomgyu go back into the cafeteria since. Saying it was now off limits for him to be in the Lunch draw.

Beomgyu himself wasn't sure if it was an overreaction or not.

On one hand, Taehyun had every right to protect Beomgyu. And Yeonjun had acted like he was about to kill them if they had stayed in the room any longer.

But on the other hand.

If Yeonjun wanted to end Beomgyu's life, he had every chance to in their shared history class.

It didn't make any sense, beside the obvious conclusion that Beomgyu was the common denominator, and Taehyun was the factor.

Other than that, he was lost, confused, and if he was being honest with himself...

More then a little curious.

His life had gone from 0 to 100 in a single day.
There was too much going on and he didn't know how to navigate around it.

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