Chapter 18

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Beomgyu had searched for the entire period. Picked up every book he could find on Fae magick and the like. But he could find nothing.

Nothing matching the description of what he was seeing...


The Shadow had showed up again, and after a very heated, one-sided argument, Beomgyu had apologized for screaming at the thing.
It just nodded its head and waved it off, as if to say,

'No biggie!'

It had followed Beomgyu around for a long while, as he tried to search for information. Just waddling after him like toddler, following on his heels like a puppy.

How could you stay mad at something like that?

At one point Beomgyu dropped a book he was carrying, and the Shadow made to grab it and hand it back to him, but stopped. Seeming to realize something before giving Beomgyu a small bow as an apology.

It was odd. And it had Beomgyu thinking about the time he had touched the Shadow.

It had felt physical, solid, like a person.
Maybe it was different now.

Could it not pick up the book?

As time went by and he still could find nothing the eluded to the origin of his new friend, he took to a simpler route.

"What are you?"

The thing tilted it's head at him as it stood in the entrance of an alcove he had taken refuge in on the second level.

The light never hit, and the thing itself never casted any shadows of its own.
Almost like it wasn't really there at all.

"Do you know what you are?"
He asked this time.
As it occurred to Beomgyu that the thing may not even be aware of itself.

But to his surprise, the Shadow seemed to stumble around an answer.

It would be an easy thing to overlook for anyone else. But he had been around this Shadow long enough to know it's tells.

He could thank years of over analyzing people's body language for that.

"Show me."
He said when the Shadow failed to give him a straight answer.

And it looked at him like it was inclined to deny him, but Beomgyu insisted.

"Show me."

And the shadow sunk.
And turned.

Once again, Beomgyu was following the thing.
Around the library, through sections upon sections, different genres stacked piled high on top of shelves that reached a false ceiling of the third floor.

The Shadow led him to the stairs and led him upward, onto that third floor.

The only thing making Beomgyu hesitate was the prior information he had been given that the third floor was strictly for teachers and authorized students.

But he needed to know...

Didn't he?

A quick pass through the unlocked gate sent him up the spiral staircase and once again that feeling of not supposed to be here came back.
He just hoped this time it wouldn't end with a group of Lycans trying to kill him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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