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Beomgyu had the same dream, the same nightmare that he always seemed to have.

And that night it had been especially vivid and hard to shake off.

Images of an room would pass by, and then he would be standing in the woods.

Sometimes there was a beast in the bushes that would chase him, and he would spend the whole night running.

Other times he simply waited, because it always ended the same.

The thing always caught up.

He woken up in a cold sweat.
His blood rushing in his ears, eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness of his room.

Deep breaths.

One at a time, just enough to push away the rest.

He remembered hearing the TV still on, and checking his alarm clock to read the time.


It was late for his parents, but not for him.
He usually stayed up well into the night. He was 'Nocturnal' as his best friend, Taehyun would describe it.

But that had been hard, and long enough to make Beomgyu tired right as he got home.

It was funny, because Beomgyu couldn't remember what he had did that day, but he knew he went to sleep around 7pm for a reason.

Beomgyu got up, planning on nothing more then to go see if his parents were still up.

Walking down the stairs is fuzzy, but he remembered the lamps being on in the living room.
Low light but just enough to shine down the hallway.

And the TV, old commercials blaring.

He remembers walking into the kitchen, and it being completely dark.
He knows it took him awhile for his eyes to adjust.
He knows that he was halfway into the kitchen when he stopped.

He knows he stopped because he stepped in something wet.

And he looked down, and waited for his eyes to adjust, and saw a mass of black spilled across the tile.

Flipping on the light was a decision he regretted...

No one should see their parents so broken.
So lifeless.
So hopeless.

A mangled mass of blood and muscle and bone and tenon.
Chest tore open, and insides turned out.

It was something he didn't like to dwell on. But far too often did it come up in his mind now.

He remembers not being able to move.
He doesn't remember when the tears started to come. But eventually they did, and he still stood there.

Somehow he was transfixed to his spot.
Socks soaking up the puddle of blood beneath his feet.

He remembers another thing two.
But only sometimes.

Like it was in a dream or something.

He remembers there being something in the corner of the kitchen, where the light cast shadows.

He remembers white eyes staring back at him. Odd and glowing.

But then it was gone, just as quickly as he had seen it.
He doesn't know if that's true, but it comes from time to time.

He knows that he was afraid, more afraid then he ever had been in his life.
He knows that what he experienced that night will forever be with him.

He remembers calling the police, telling them what he found.
He remembers standing out in the yard. He remembers it started snowing.

He remembers it was beautiful.

But he knows that he left behind bloody footprints in the snow.

After that...

He doesn't remember much else.

He knows he didn't go to school.
He knows he barely ate.

He knows he didn't sleep.

He would go out walking instead.
He couldn't stand to be in that house, those first few weeks.

He remembers seeing the city, and going to parks at night. He knows he always went home though, and slept on the couch.

He didn't understand what he would see there most days.
He would hear things, and sometimes see things. But he never knew, and drove him crazy.

He cried for days. And when he couldn't anymore he would walk around town, he didn't talk to anyone.

Not even Taehyun.

It was a lonely existence but he couldn't afford to be around anyone right now.

That changed after some weeks.

Soon enough, the child services department was going to put me in foster care because both my parents didn't have any extended family.

Except for one, that technically wasn't family.

They were a family friend, Taehyun's Mother and Father were both best friends with Beomgyu's.
They had basically been raised together, it was always like having a brother.

Beomgyu felt like he could stand to be around Taehyun of all people. But he knew time was needed.

He knew they wouldn't push.
Not while he still had nightmares.

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