|C H A P T E R || O N E|

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The steady sound of footsteps echoed in the hallway, the person with blond long hair  moving closer to a one of the man black doors sculpted with a exquisite white dragon right in the middle of it maintaining the balance of dark to light.

The dragon looked elegant with royal blue jewels on it's body yet fierce.

It resemble him. The one who had the underworld  dancing at the tip of his fingers.

He opened the big door infront of him and went inside.

"How is it all going..?" The blond guy heard the voice coming from the other side of the room, a man stood there facing the big window, apparently holding something in his hands, "with the jaguar gang..?"

"Waah..shouldn't it be 'how are you?' but anyways those thugs were eyeing on my casinos in Busan, so we taught them a little lesson. So..for now they've quite down..but I don't think they'll be quite for a long time." The blond man replied as he moved towards the other man in the room. "I think it's time..."

"Hyunjin." The man said with a hint of firmness in his voice as he turned to face the other. He knew what the blond guy wanted to suggest, it's been 9 years after all that they've been working together for.

"Let's just keep a watch on them for now, I don't want to see any bloodshed until boss gets back from Daegu."

The man had a pale complexion, with a small piercing in his nose, he looked just a few years older than the blond guy but not as tall. He wore a fit white shirt with leather belt harness and a leather jean.

"Leaving that aside, why are you here..? I assume it was because you wanted to report about this month's total income...?" The man said moving to the black leather couch while still polishing the Glock 18 in his hands.

"Our Bang Chan hyungie is always right~♡" Hyunjin let out in a cheesy tone as his eye went to the weapon in the older's hand, "of course, I'm here for that..!! I absolutely didn't come here to get that new model that you've working on for a while to get a free trail, heh..but I know you have such a big heart that you yourself really want to give it to your little brother (not literally)"

Bang Chan shook his head helplessly letting out a huffed laugh, no matter how strict he wants to act around others, but his boys know he's a total softie and take advantage of that to the fullest.

Hyunjin jumped in excitement as Bang Chan handed the gun in his hands, "I'll return it to you soooon~"

"That's what you said last time and last to last time if I remember correctly..?" Bang Chan raised his brow as a playful smile crept on his face.

Hyunjin pouted pretending to think hard, "oh..did I..? Hyunjinie doesn't remember a such thing.."

"Okay okay, once a drama queen always a drama queen, just don't get hurt and don't let it get hurt. I still need to modify it's outer design."

"Aye aye vise-captain!" Hyunjin said in a excited as he salute at Bang Chan and soon running away from the room, leaving Bang Chan alone.

Before Bang Chan could question anything, he heard a email on his laptop.

A curve formed at the corner of his lips as he the screen light illuminated in in dim honey light of the room. '[The twenty million won has been transferred.]'

"This guy...is really unpredictable." Bang Chan let out a sigh of relief before moving out of the room as well to head into his arsenal.

Profile :

{Night Prince} || Hwang Hyunjin ||  ALPHA || 21

Incharge - Prostitution.
- Main source of the gang's income.

•Clever as devil, and twice as pretty

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•Clever as devil, and twice as pretty.

"You are loosing my interest and that is very dangerous, sweetheart."


{Christopher} || Bang Chan || ALPHA || 24

Incharge - Weapon Engineer.
- Right hand of the Gang leader.

"Just because I'm being civil with you doesn't mean I like you

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"Just because I'm being civil with you doesn't mean I like you.."


step out!! hello everyone! pipi gang here <3

If you've came this far, I hope you enjoyed this story <3

I hope to see  your opinions 🍒

spread love and peace!! p.s. ~ pipi 💝

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