| C H A P T E R || F O U R T E E N |

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"You've grown up so beautifully, Jisung.", The lady said, looking at Jisung with adoration in her eyes as the setting sun rays kissed her face. They had taken the seats in the aloof corner of the Cafe with the big glass window just beside them.

Jisung looked at her before diverting his gaze back to the coffee cup, now half empty. "It'd be better if you don't use my name when no one's around. Right now, we're just agents and nothing more, Agent J-74."

The lady let out a soft chuckle, "Okay, Agent J-1, after all it's my duty to accept your orders, isn't it?"

"That's not---!", Jisung immediately looked up at her, a knot forming in his chest. "What..what did you want to talk to me about?"

"I know you wouldn't like this coming out of my mouth, but son...I want you to accept the engagement proposal and leave for Malaysia even if it's just for the marriage and then..you can return back to Korea with your partner if you want to.."

Jisung furrowed his brows in bewilderment as the lady continted.

"You must be aware of it already but...I still want you to consider how three of our lives got destroyed just because of a mission I was sent to accomplish."

She tried to blink away the tears forming in her hazel eyes, "Your mother, your father and me, all of us suffered alot because of this one mission that I'm on for more than 22 years..son."

"I never loved your father and I never wanted a child from him so I took too many birth control pills which is why...I..", she chocked on her tears before Jisung placed his hand above her shivering once, he didn't know why but seeing her like that reminded him of his own mother when she was suffering with depression.

The lady smiled faintly, "I had to leave the man whom I used to love wholeheartedly just because I was given the mission to keep a watch over all of Han Taemin's business affairs closely and to bring you, Jeongyeon's son to the agency. Your mission reminds me of mine..son. You will not know what's going to happen to you the next minute. You need to have a life of your own and know what you'd love and what to prioritize.."

"I ruined all of our lives..but Jisung-ah..I don't want you to suffer like me or Han Jeongyeon. This is just a mission, you can't give your whole life to it..because one day it all has to end."

The lady dropped Jisung to the same entrance where they met earlier as Jisung bowed to her before leaving.

"I'll wait for you..son.", Jisung remember the last words Catherine said to him as he got inside another car parked at a small distance.

"I thought you were going to end the whole clan before coming back.", Eunwoo said being sarcastic as Jisung took a whole evening to get back into the car.

"Well not the clan, but I totally endangered someone's coming generation.", Jisung huffed a laugh referring to the balls of Han Taemin's special gaurd.

The car became quite again as Eunwoo looked at Jisung being deep in thoughts. He could see it, the gloom surrounding the younger as he tried to show him a great act of normalcy.

"Are you alright..?", slipped his mouth as Jisung paused before looking at the older to give him a faint smile again.

"Yeah.", he said as the last word for the whole ride. He had turned to face the window as Eunwoo sighed but started driving him back to his apartment.

Soon after his phone received a notification, as he took it out. His eyes unconsciously left the gloom that filled them a few moments ago just from the sight of the name illuminating on the screen, which didn't go unnoticed by Eunwoo.

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝓹𝓸𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐄 || 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗺𝗮𝗳𝗶𝗮 𝗮𝘂Where stories live. Discover now