| C H A P T E R || S E V E N |

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"Hey mate..! You feelin' alright?"

"..yeah. I'm good, hyung"

Minho turned to look at the man with a smile. The 'hyung' part didn't go unnoticed from the younger male. He must be the hyung that Minho mentioned in the restaurant..

"Won't you introduce me to...him?" The man asked Minho as he gestured towards Jisung.

"Ah right, hyung, this is Han Jisung, I'm his mentor at work and Jisung, this is Bang Chan, the hyung I talked about earlier."

Both the people except Minho narrowed their eyes, as their thoughts echoed, snickering in union. "..yeah I can see that."

Minho was the first one to break the ice, the silence was just too intense."Jisung,..hyung was the who brought us here."

Jisung felt a wave of guilt for thinking whatever he was thinking,"Oh..t..thank you...um-"

"You can call me, hyung if you want to" Bang Chan said as he moved to sit next to Minho on the empty stool.

"uh..yeah! Thank you, hyu..hyung-nim." Jisung said putting on a bright smile.

Minho's heart skipped a beat as soon he heard Jisung say that with such a smile, but he also felt a throb when he realized, it wasn't him he called hyung but Bang Chan.

They had a little conversation but Jisung noticed Minho looking as if he was trying to figure out something.

"Mr. Lee..what's the matter?"

"I actually don't remember what I did last night. Jisung..in any way, did I hurt you?"

"Though I'm still hazy about what happened before I fell unconscious but I'm telling you, Mr. Lee, I didn't get hurt at all, see I'm totally fine." Jisung said holding the older's hand, assuring him. "..instead you were the one who got hurt because of me."

The oldest of the three looked so done with the two that he decided to speak before anyone of them could, as he looked at Minho,"You were holding him like he was the last thing you could have before the world ends. You even tried to almost kill me because I tried to take him away from you, the whole restaurant staff was terrified by you..ugh I'm getting chills."

The older's words hit both of them like trucks, it was thanks to the nurse who came for the check-up and saved them the awkward silence.

"Could you both please wait outside? I need to check on the patient."

Bang Chan nodded as he left before and MInho after taking a last glance at the younger left as well.

"I'll be heading back since both you seem to br alright now." Bang Chan said as he looked back at Minho. He stood there with an unreadable expression and Minho could tell he had something to say.

"Say it already, hyung. You know my patience."

Bang Chan sighed,"Minho-ya..as your hyung, I..wanna stand by your side in every decision you make so I have to ask you about this too..."

Minho nodded, "Yeah..I'm serious about this hyung.."

He glanced inside the room where Han was sitting as a smile appeared on his lips,"...I'm serious about him."

A grin spread across Bang Chan's face as he witnessed the sincerity in younger's eyes, "I never thought I'd get to see this side of my forever cutie~"

He tried to caress Minho's chin as if he was a cat but got a (not so) light punch on his stomach in return which made him groan in pain before whinning. "Yaa! why do you never accept my love??"

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