| C H A P T E R |🔞| T E N |

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⚠️🍒⚠️ :

This whole chapter is a love-making (smut).

Jisung nodded.

A surge of impatience running down his spine as the older took off his pants in single go leaving him with his soaked underpants. Minho didn't break the eye contact as he shifted down himself more on the younger.

Jisung let out a sharp breath when Minho pressed his lips on his stomach, pressing a soft kiss and then letting his tongue trail down till he reached the hem of the younger's underpants.

He bit on it and smoothly slid it down, leaving Jisung in shivers as the cold breeze brushed his pre-cum leaking member. Minho stood up as his eyes traveled the younger body, admiring every detail of the younger's body.

His smooth skin, the way he hid his eyes with his arm and the way he bent his one knee in an attempt to hide himself, embarrassed to be fully exposed. It really resembled as piece of art created centuries ago. An art, just for him to look at.

"Take yours off as well.", Jisung let out, as he took off his hand from his eyes.

Minho nodded but his eyes couldn't hide hesitation they held, even if it was for a split of a second and Jisung knew why. A person that Minho is, comes with his life being in danger every second of day and his body will be an testament for it.

"Help me then."

Jisung was a little surprised even though he didn't show it. He got up and stood on his knees at the edge of bed to reach the same as level Minho who held his arms in air as if giving himself to Jisung.

When Jisung's hand landed on the hem of his shirt, to his surprise, Minho's landed on his hard arousal. Jisung let out a shaky breath unknowingly leaned his head on the older's shoulder.

Minho hand's started stroking it gently leading in Jisung to let out breathy moans close of his ear. He seemed to enjoy it more than than Jisung himself.

"Weren't you going to help me..? Hm? Jisungie?", Minho asked in low whisper but the hints of teasing could be heard clearly in it. Jisung nodded but the feeling was too pleasurable and Minho's scent making it even harder for him move his limb.

When he about to reach his climax, his moans grew louder as he clutched the older's shirt tightly and with a flinch in his body he let out a loud cry before finally slumping slightly at the older body, hugging him.

Minho gently laid him on the bed before going to grab something from his drawer and coming back. He took off his tee, revealing what the younger had excepted just below his chest, on his stomach.

A scar. On his perfectly carved body, there was a scar.

And a trail of red and black ink on his hip, half hidden by his pants, peeking from the back.

A tattoo.

He knew there would be one. And he knew it would be a dragon so why..? Why did he feel he had to see it for himself.

Jisung wrapped his hand around Minho's neck pulling him closer to his body, the sight was turning him on more than he already was. He opened his leg for Minho's hips to fit in as a loud whimper escaped his mouth realizing how hard was Minho.

He must have a bazillion amount of self control if he hadn't already started to ram the life out of Jisung already. A shiver ran down his spine after getting conscious of the fact ; the weight and shape of his member.

Suddenly, Jisung couldn't take it anymore.

"Fuck me.", Jisung breathed out. "Fuck me, hyung."

Minho doesn't have to think twice, those words from Jisung were enough for him get rid of the distance between his and the younger's lips. A visible smirk formed on his lips as he devoured every corner of the younger's mouth.

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