| C H A P T E R || T H I R T E E N |

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It had been a while since Seungmin left to meet the kids in the orphanage, his old home.

He goes there to give the kids different kinds of treats or presents every weekend and this time it was ice-cream. They had asked him to bring it for them a week ago and he just couldn't ignore their puppy eyes.

The only thing he's been trying to ignore were the eyes of the person hiding behind the wall and peeking from there for a while.

Seungmin let out a frustrated sigh as he turned back looking straight at the person and resulting him to hide completed behind it , "Mister, do you want an ice-cream as well..?"

The man took a while, probably fighting his angel an demon sides before he came out of the hiding. A man dressed in full black with a mask and basket-ball hat covering his face and a lean and muscular built. Seeming shorter than the brow haired boy.

Seungmin didn't expect for the man to really come forward to take one. He might not be a kidnapper at the very least, he thought before handing him one chocolate cone, a bit hesitant to start,"..I've never seen you around, are you here to adopt..?"

The man immediately shook his head with his hands in the air, gesturing a panicked "no.", "I...I just lost my way."

"Then..why were you hiding..?", Seungmin quickly snapped back, a bit suspicious of the man's appearance.

"I..thought you might get affected by my scent." 

"No..I won't.", Seungmin said before turning to the face the little boy tugging on his shirt with big teary eyes.

"Oh no..looks like our Jaewoo will need another ice-cream.", He smiled at the boy ruffling his hair and wiping off his tears. "Wait, I'll just show that mister the way out, okay? Then we'll have more ice---"

Seungmin turned back just to find the man being disappeared into thin air. "HUH?? Where did he go..?? Jaewoo did you see that man going away..?"

The boy shook his head as Seungmin looked out to see any traces of him. "...He must've found his way out..."

Seungmin looked back at the boy with a bright smile, "Which flavor does Jaewoo wants..?"

"Chocolate!!" Seungmin hummed a reply as they went inside.

Jisung on the other hand stayed in his bed, every weekend for him was always  a sleep day but he had plans today. With Minho.

A smile formed on his lips as he stood up from his bed to take take out something good to wear until his phone rung and it didn't take a second for that smile to disappear into a look to nothingness as he he looked the name displayed on the screen.

He let out a deep exhale before picking up the call, "Hello, d---...Mr. Han."

The voice on the side of the line came as irritated, ["You not calling me dad won't change the fact that I am your father."]

A visible scrunch forming on Jisung's face as tried his best not to throw away the phone. "Just tell me whatever you called me for. I almost forgot you existed, thank you reminding I still am related to someone like you."

["You ungrateful brat!!--"], The man yelled before letting out a sigh. ["I have something to talk to you about, come home. Tomorrow. We have something special coming up next week."]

"Just tell me now, I'm not c---", The call was hung up before Jisung could finish his sentence. He again threw himself on the bed letting his voice take out all the frustration that was built inside him throughout the call. He hugged his pillow as the droplets of his tear soon started falling on it.

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝓹𝓸𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐄 || 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗺𝗮𝗳𝗶𝗮 𝗮𝘂Where stories live. Discover now