| C H A P T E R || T H R E E |

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A mysterious empire ruled by an emperor infamous for his appearance only on days of auction, auction of people.

Jisung has been observing him for over 8 month now, he showed up at the auctions held in his one of the favorite club that he is heading to.
"He rarely chooses someone to have for himself..he would rather go to the ones who pay him well enough to claim his body and well...not anybody is capable of that. He hosts the auctions himself to make sure nothing comes between his deals and money. Jisung has only one option then...that is to be chosen by the him, isn't it?"

Agent J-18 made his assumption of the situation Jisung may be in with respect the information of the culprit, his eyes flickered over the name again, it was a simple name yet attractive, he couldn't help but to read it out aloud.

"Hwang Hyunjin"

He turned the page continuing to read some more additional information written in the file.

•Only member of the gang who runs the errands without being in the shadow.
•Owns the most famous clubs in Seoul and Casinos in Busan.
•Mostly spotted at MYSTIC IMPERIO in Seoul, the highest profit spot for him.
•Likely to dispose off his enemies without leaving a clue behind.
•Known to please anyone who gives a reasonable price for his body.

There were pictures of him being spotted at MYSTIC IMPERIO, every picture had him in a different hair colour, the most recent one was blond. Just like his name, he showed up at night with his beauty like a prince of heaven, people also referred to him as the 'son of Aphrodite.'

Jisung looked at his sides, there were many people in the unsteady lights on the club. Many of them seemed to enjoy their own euphoric world. They had no worries in the world, they were carefree in the very moment.

Although it wasn't happiness that engulfed their hearts deep inside ; some of them were trying to forget the misery in their life, some of them fought with their families, some were here because they want to rebel in their teenage and many more reason why those people want to find to a haven. A place where they'd forget the pain in their life.

The reality was their weakness and Hyunjin gives them the paradise they want, full of things they want to see, feel and do, away from the world of reality.

Jisung sighed as his eyes examined the entire place, Hyunjin was not their yet. He pressed the back of his ear as a voice echoed in his ear, ["Any updates..?"]

"First tell me the code."

The voice in the reply came out as a grunt, ["...like..literally??--"]

Jisung laughed a little, "tell me the code already or how would I know who are you."

["You know it's me- hah..."] he sighed.

"You wouldn't die c'mon--"

["aagi-pang du-du-du-du-Du-DU!!~~" ]

Jisung laughed out loud holding his stomach unaware of the fact that it caught someone's attention. He wiped off his fake tears as he calmed down. His face was still smiley when he lightly thump his feet with the beats.

He stood up from the couch and went to sit near the counter while the man on the line grumbled about his code, ["I swear to heavens- if you ever try to convince boss to give me such code again--"] and so on.

The bartender looked at him asking for his order, "I have a ruby wine."

Jisung turned his chair to look at the crowd dancing as he spoke, "It suits you, little boi. And he's not here yet. I'm sure he's going to show up when the auction starts, that is 2 hours from now. This club is just the cover to what the underground holds, it's where the people will be auctioned."

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝓹𝓸𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐄 || 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗺𝗮𝗳𝗶𝗮 𝗮𝘂Where stories live. Discover now