| C H A P T E R || N I N E T E E N |

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"Damn..I left for a while and now I'm welcomed with these cheap ass hoodies which reek of Omegas socent in MY Italian mid-century Vintage Wardrobe?"

Jisung was frozen. The voice belonged to nobody but the one whom he had least expected to be out in the wild, Hwang Hyunjin.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and placed the piece of cloth back into the wardrobe and turned as his eyes landed on Jisung who looked like his life had departed from his body even in the darkness of the room. He raised a brow and switched on the lights.

Han Jisung was until now, praying it all to be a bad dream but it wasn't. The lights were on, Hyunjin was standing in front of him, breathing and looking at him straight in eyes.

'Did I accidentally manifest him by talking about his ass today...?', Jisung thought and sighed. No other way out now. He clenched his jaw and fist standing up to knock out the unwelcomed guest.

"Whoa Whoa..! Why you- Who the heck are you?", Hyunjin said backing off at the sudden move.


Jisung stopped at the exact instance. Hwang Hyunjin doesn't know him?

"What the hell is going on?", Hyunjin was bewildered at this point and Jisung couldn't help but be a little suspicious of Hyunjin's behavior.

"You…don't know who I am?", Jisung carefully took a step back, feeling a sense of uneasiness as he observed the latter.

"Are you kidding me right now? First of all, why am I supposed to know you? And lastly, you better have a good reason to be present in my room at this hour because I'm not very thrilled to see a stranger in my bed, for tonight at least.", Hyunjin said with a frown in between his brows as he muttered the last sentence for himself.

Jisung maintained a calm demeanor as he was now confirmed about the fact that Hyunjin actually didn’t recognize him.

"Wait..aren't you Hwang hyunjin..?", Jisung said, as he pretended to remember something. "I was talking to Felix about you just today."

Jisung knew the right person to mention at the moment and it worked, Hyujin's eyes unconsciously showed  a glister as soon as Felix was mentioned as he nodded.

"And you are?"

"Oh..right. I'm Han Jisung. Minho hyung told me to stay in this room until you've returned.  So yeah, now that you're back..I'll move my stuff from here.", Jisung said, already moving towards the closet.

"Ah..wait, wiat. Don't start right now.

Just sleep here for tonight, I guess. Your scent is everywhere in here, I'll go sleep in Felix's room."

The corners of Jisung's mouth lifted into a smile at Hyunjin who had a slight tint of pink forming on cheeks, "He'll be excited to see you."

Hyunjin nodded and walked out of the room as Jisung stared into the void sitting onto the bed.  He took a deep breath and tried to contact Agent-01, Cha Eunwoo.

"Jisung here, I won't be able to be on this call for more than five minutes so tell whatever is going on with Hwang Hyunjin's case.", Jisung said, after dialing a number on the burner phone that he's been keeping with himself.

"Hwang Hyunjin escaped while he was being transferred to Dark Prison. Upper authorities are looking into it. Now tell me where are you?? Why am I not able to contact you??"

"Noted. I can't tell you where I am right now but I'll be able to visit the headquarters in a few days so keep everything in check with Miss Hyuna. And don't mention it to anyone that I contacted you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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