| C H A P T E R || S I X T E E N |

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"Anything yet..?"

Minho said making his way inside a room, he looked over to the man who was now facing him from across the room and sitting in front of a big illuminating screen.

"Told ya to leave it to me.", the cavernous voice replied with a hint of enthusiasm. The man smiled, "see it for yourself, I'll send it to you."

And with a few taps on the keyboard and a single swipe on the big screen towards right. The whole bunch of locations and information were transferred to another big screen device in the room.

Minho walked past the man and stood before screen, after tying a 6 digit code onto the digital security card his eyes illuminated with reflection of what he was looking for.

He scanned every bit of it throughly, "so this is where you were, Jisungie?."

"He was last seen in his apartment building according footages, after that his phone cards were  traced on the Seoul highway. Those cards were ruptured near the house of a politician. And since then there no clue of him." , the man pointed at the locations mentioned as Minho's eyes moved along with his gestures.

"But, after looking deep into it, fifty-seven new numbers are being used in the same areas where his location suddenly disappeared. Additionally, these numbers aren't legally reported. I'll have to break the security codes first to get hands on his number or current location."

"Fifty-seven at once..?", Minho asked.

"Strange, right?  Considering there's only four to five residents in the locality. Looks like they're upto something. Gotta look into it." , the man said stretched his arms and neck.

"How much time will it take?"

"One day, to be precise."

Minho smiled, ruffling the man's hairs as the golden strands fell onto his forehead."Thanks, yongbok-ah."

The later smiled back but his eyes soon softened, "hyung rest for a bit, will you? You've been looking around for him without a blink of sleep, it's been 2 days already. Are you trying to turn into Chan hyung..? 

Minho could only let out a huffed laugh, sure he didn't get a blink of sleep since that one next morning, Jisung was gone. He could only remember what the younger's last words to him before he left and he couldn't do anything to stop him.

How could he leave me just like that?

His mind again shifted to Felix who had started digging into the numbers. Minho removed his jacket from on the chair, placing it on his shoulders as he made his out if the cyberspace room.

The other day arrived soon with Jisung looking into the mirror, he stressed a steady blink. Is this me..? He questioned the mirror which only stated the truth. Yes, he was sitting in a dressing room, ready to get dressed for his engagement. 

It had been two days since he left Lee know in his peaceful sleep. And there was no sign of his existence till now. One reason could be they had snatched away his phone until his engagement is done. Was he expecting him to come over and put an end to this engagement..? Maybe yes. The thoughts kept running in his mind until he noticed the maids marching around in the room.

"Young master, let me.", one of the maid said, soon continuing to remove his hoodie which Jisung was flabbergasted about.

"Whoa whoa--", he stopped her, politely, "I...I can do it myself."

At that second, his mind was still preoccupied by the previous thoughts that he didn't realize, underneath his hoodie was the proof of that night he spent with Minho not too long ago. The bright red marks hickeys and bite marks were now of purple and cherry tones. All the maids in the room stood still at the sight, not believing the art on Jisung's body.

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝓹𝓸𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐄 || 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗺𝗮𝗳𝗶𝗮 𝗮𝘂Where stories live. Discover now