| C H A P T E R || N I N E |

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The night was rather beautiful or maybe it was just their presence beside each other that made them forget all their worries.

Because it didn't bother how unappetizingly sour that candy was that they had just before eating ramen, it didn't matter when the rain suddenly started pouring in the middle of such chill weather, it didn't matter how soaked they were from dancing in that rain.

All it mattered was how elegant the older looked when he asked Jisung to get under crying clouds with him and how Jisung didn't hesitate when he took his hand.

How Minho was cautious about their closeness when they started dancing but Jisung filled in the distance assuring him. How every steps they took together while dancing belonged to the different melodies in their heads.

It was all that mattered at that moment.

When the rain finally stopped, they were panting below a shelter and laughing and giggling at what they just did. As if they were kids who finally broke the rules shackling them for too long.

Jisung was quite succeeding in his plan but for some reason, couldn't understand why Minho would show his vulnerable side to someone he just met few days ago. Because after surveiling Minho for a period of one and a half years, he could say that Minho wasn't a type of person to let someone to let others know about his true emotions.

So why would Minho let Jisung see his sentiments, his ardour and inclinations..?

That's what kept bugging Jisung until..just until he was caught in a gaze with Minho. Maybe it was because they were drained of energy from dancing their hearts out or it was the little alcohol they had that was overtaking there sober senses or maybe it was his scents getting interwoven with the older's that was making it hard to resist but both craved at what were staring at.

Minho had noticed before how younger's lips were perfectly tinted pink but the sight of rain drops kissing them wasn't something he had imagined before and it made him thirsty.

Jisung closed his eyes when MInho's face was a few inches away from his which made the older halt and admire every little detail of the younger's beauty. His eyes stopped at the little mole at younger's cheek as he leaned in to lightly press a soft kiss on it.

Minho sensed the younger let out a shaky breath at his action as a smile formed on his lips later receiving an almost inaudible whine from the younger's unsatiated self due to lack of contact.

Minho's eyelids fell shut as he tenderly pressed his lips together with Jisung's. If it wasn't like stepping in a hot spring after a long cold day then both couldn't explain the warmth they got from the simple act.

Minho tilted his head pressing closer as Jisung didn't sit back just because it was his first kiss, he opened up to Minho beautifully when the older nibble on his lower lip. Minho slid his tongue in marking every corner of the encompassing heat.

When Minho broke the kiss so both of them don't die from being breathless, they rested foreheads together.

"Is..it okay?", Minho asked in a whisper, lips almost brushing together.

Jisung nodded, his eyes still closed in daze as the tint of crimson formed on his cheeks and around his brows. "..yes. You're..you're a good kisser..hyung."

Minho breathed out a small laugh not after wrapping his hand around the younger's small waist and pulling him into another kiss. Minho couldn't resist him, it was a given.

Their lips moved together softly, Jisung's hand slowly slid up gripping Minho's wet hair. Their bodies warmed up to eachother. The then soaking wet bodies now sweating from the engulfing heat of their scents and hot breaths.

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