| C H A P T E R || E I G H T E E N |

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"The deal will be sealed according to the plan, Mr. Lee."

One of the four guys standing near the edge of the couch spoke in english as he passed a document to Bang Chan while standing across the couch, the lad looked quite young with slicked back hair.

"Are you sure?", Minho replied, after turning few pages of the document given to him by Bang Chan. "We had put the last call of 5 billion dollars, the deal was supposed to be locked at 5 billions but that isn't what I'm seeing right now in these papers. Where are the records of remaining 100 million dollars?"

"What??", The same guy spoke again, the thought of something going wrong made him rush near Minho to look at the file again, Bang Chan who was about to take out his gun was gestured to stop by Minho. "S-sir..! The papers are correct..H-here sir, it does..state '5 billion dollars to be converted to Korean currency'.."

Minho sighed, "Mr. Louis, these papers are counterfeited. Do you know what that means? The deal must be called off with an unforgettable return gift."
Minho took out a dagger from the side out his jacket, placing it in front of Bang Chan as Felix made his way into the room with a pen-drive and a laptop.

As all the righ information was displayed in front of them on the laptop screen, Bang Chan took a brief glance at all of the foreigners. And as expected, one of them was somewhat looking down at own his shoes. That one trickling drop of sweat was enough for him analyze the next situation. He threw at him his dagger, successfully aiming the exact toe.

While, on the other hand, Jisung woke up from his sleep as the sound of painful screams coming from downstairs ringed in his ears But as he arrived downstairs, he didn't find anything. The sudden stop then continuations in the voices led him to a door and a way leading underground of the house. The house then seemed kinda normal to him after the discovery. It was impossible for house a full of mafias to not have any secrets. But he decided not to go down.

Well, because he could sense Minho's scent approaching. He instead waited for him, few steps away from the door which seemed to be like any of the normal doors attached to any room of the house expect for Hyunjin's, his room's door was quite a piece of art.

And then it didn't take Minho minutes to reveal himself from the darkness, as the door creaked open the light in which Jisung was standing kissed Minho's faced along with the shadow he was making his way from.

"Right at the moment.",The brunette smiled at Jisung, fully expecting him to be there and seemingly just awoke. It was an impeccable timimg to Minho and surely to Jisung, as well.

"Let's go.", Minho took Jisung's hand, to which Jisung asked a 'where' which was unanswered until they reached the bottom of the house by the lift behind the door.

"This is where we work, when Bang Chan has back pain.", Minho said, muttering the last sentence but making it audible enough for Bang Chan to hear it from afar.

"eXcuSe mE??", The voice of the person mentioned replied in a few milliseconds from the couch situated at the end of the big space. Jisung found Felix at the side of the room filled with fifteen different types of gadgets and too many PC screens of new generation.

Jisung went to Felix when Minho had briefly let go of his hand, taking the latter's gaze along with him and Bang Chan couldn't help but let out a smirk. "Back pain, my ass. I just remember someone whinning to me "hyungggg I don't wanna leave jisung alone at home with fe---""

A swift hand was planted on Bang Chan mouth, but that failed to protect the truth.

"ME???", Felix looked away from his computer screen to check if what he heard is right in unison with Jisung's "LIX???"

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