| C H A P T E R |🔞| F I F T E E N |

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{W/w : Smut ahead, because I don't make the rules.}

Jisung let out small gasp as the older licked off the drink off his neck, leaving kisses all over in the process.


Minho noticed the little shiver in Jisung's body as soon as he lifted his tshirt, it clicked him that they were still on the floor and it wasn't even close to warm. Jisung could feel uncomfortable. He wrapped the younger's legs around himself, holding his waist before pulling him up.

Jisung volunteerly put his arms around the older's neck. Minho laid them on the bed, looking at even the slightest change in the younger's expressions. He gulped again, he must've gone insane. Jisung's scent was too sweet that it made his knees weak.

Jisung pulled Minho into a long intense kiss, pausing in between to catch his breath as his legs started squirming together. Minho smiled, kissing then biting the younger's lips one more time.

"The problem is, jisung-ah..", Minho said, pulling Jisung up into into a hug, skin colliding with skin. The heat engulfing them was ecstatic but dangerous at the same time. He continued in a whisper snuggling close to the younger.

"...I just can't get enough of you. Everytime you are away from me, it's feels as if we'd never meet again so I become selfish. I want to feel your touch, hold your hand, kiss you..everyday."

Jisung listened to his every word with an unfamiliar heavy feeling building up in his chest, he then realized, maybe, it wasn't the best idea to be with older just the two day before he leaves for Malaysia.

Minho speaks intently with his eyes soft unaware of words Jisung is going say that will eventually break him, "I want to hold you, keep you to myself---"

"And what do you think these feelings are..?", Jisung said calmly, totally opposite to the storm building inside of him. But He couldn't take it anymore, the warmth and love Minho was giving him, the way his voice always gets so soft as he talks to him, the way he looks at him with tender eyes. He just couldn't.

Minho was taken aback at Jisung's words, the voices in his head remained silent as the younger got out of his embrace sitting up on bed. He got himself few seconds in the process. He had to break it all off. Jisung held in his shaky breath, looking straight into Minho's eyes. "What do you think we are!?"

"What do you mean by that--", Minho held Jisung's hand.

"Hyung..don't sound like we're in a relationship or something.", Minho could feel Jisung's hand shivering, he held them firmly before Jisung could take them out of his grip.

Jisung's words came out coldly, his pupil showed an unfamiliar tremble,"All we do is sleep with eachother, there shouldn't be anything else. We satisfy eachother's sexual needs. That's the base of what's going on between us, hyung ; it's just lust."

Minho froze in his spot, his heart palpitated at the sudden surge of pheromones Jisung was releasing, he wanted to talk about what's going on Jisung's mind but before he could speak, Jisung kissed him. ; climbing on top of him, Jisung kissed him hard.

No, Minho didn't want him to do that when Jisung's so anxious. He could feel his shivers on top of him, his eyes finally letting the tears go, he could feel it's wetness on his own cheek.

"Argh..", Minho sounded low yet clear as Jisung's scent overpowered his senses, he wanted to talk, he really did but..something was triggered inside of him.

Jisung moved lower, trailing a path a kisses from Minho's jaw to his chest until he was sitting on top of him.

"Let's not...", Minho held Jisung's hand, also trying to not take in more of Jisung's scent, "You don't need to do.. do this."

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝓹𝓸𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐄 || 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗺𝗮𝗳𝗶𝗮 𝗮𝘂Where stories live. Discover now