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"You looked good in that dress, last night---"  

Jisung chocked on his drink even before Minho could finish his sentence. Spilling the drink all over his clothes. Minho immediately ran to rub his back as Jisung coughed a bit before calming down.

"I swallowed..some ice." Jisung said wiping his chin as Minho gave him his handkerchief. Jisung denying at first, took it after Minho insisted.

"I..I..was there just because my friends forced me to go."Jisung lied, it's the first thing that is taught to an agent : "To lie, whenever there's a need for it." And this job was his need.

Working in this society as an Omega isn't easy. It isn't easy to find jobs, some people deny just after hearing about people's secondary gender. 'Sorry we can't take the responsibility if your heats kicks in and any Alpha attacks you during it, we can't accept you.' 

Working in a luxurious restaurant has its own regulations, and if someone, who is his senior at work had already seen him at place like that it'd only make things harder for him.

"I- I didn't go there because I wanted to and those clothes! My friend brought it for me. I don't..don't usually dress like that!! Mr. Lee..Please don't let the manager kn--"

Jisung stopped as soon as he heard Minho laugh, it was the first time in the whole day he saw him laughing. He looked handsome...

The elevator opened with a loud 'ting' making Jisung come back to the real world real quick. Minho headed out first, still having hints of smile on his face as he gestured Jisung to follow him.

"I didn't ask for an explanation, silly. I just simply said, you looked good yesterday and I guess that should be replied with a thank you? Or a return compliment?" Minho said giving Jisung a eye smile which soon turned teasing one as he said the last sentence.

Jisung couldn't help but to let out a laugh at the older's words. Although he wasn't able to see his face properly last night but his brown eyes left an impression on him.

"I didn't see you properly back then." Jisung said, a smile forming at the side of his lips as he moved a few steps headed standing near a car looking at his stained shirt in the reflection of the window.

Minho quickly followed the younger, as he stood next to him, bending down to look at his reflection as well, soon he looked at Jisung, "How about now..?"

Jisung could sense his words extremely close to his face, the proof to it was their reflection on the window. Jisung froze at his place for a few seconds before he stood up straight. He left out a utterly awkward laugh, lightly scratching his nose he tried to move ahead but Minho held his hand.

"This one is mine", Jisung being halted, looked back at the older, wide-eyed.

"W..what do you mea---"

"The car." MInho said pointing at the same car at his side, "it's mine."


A rank one agent out of thousands, specialized in martial arts and any sorts of weapons, fluent in more than six languages, has conducted 48 successful missions, is known as "the nightmare dressed as a daydream." was a flustered mess because of a man he just met at work, few hours ago.

The ride was quite, Jisung staring into the air and rethinking his past decisions while Minho looked too happy just for driving a car. Minho had given Jisung his extra coat he had in his car because he didn't want his car to reek of Iced Americano (just an excuse) and Jisung took it because of Minho's persistence. It was one or two size bigger but truly comfortable.

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