25: The Third

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"Wait. My mom is in on this?" Ali sprang up, staring Maria in the eye.
"Um... Yes?" Maria said-asked, kind of quiet in comparison to Ali's loud outburst.
"And why did you not tell me this before?"
"Because I knew you'd get like this!"
"Get like what?" They were yelling now.
"This!" Maria flailed her arms around like a lunatic. "All shout-y and question-y and in my face about stuff I don't know!"
"Sorry," Ali muttered. She scuffed her feet on the ground.
They were valid questions! It makes sense that I was asking them!
Ali wanted to yell at Maria, but figured that the fact that they were trapped in a medium sized cell with no other company was a good hint that they should stay on good terms.
As in not arguing with each other.
They sat down on the ground at the same time, almost like they had a brain link. Or they had known each other for their entire lives. The latter was the truer.
The one thing that bugged Ali for the next half hour was that there was nothing to do. Sure, she could talk to Maria (who soon fell asleep) or herself, think of theories as to why her mom and Roy would do this and worry about Cocoa, but that quickly got boring.
No, the only turn was when Tom was thrust in to the room, a picnic basket in his hands.
He stumbled, but caught himself, luckily.
"Tom?" Ali asked, half whispering. "You're... Here?"
He nodded, slow but still there. Tom rubbed his cheek, and Ali could see a bruise forming. Not from the rubbing, but from a whack she was sure he'd taken.
"Yeah, is anyone else here?"
"Just me and Maria, are you all right?" She rushed over to him and pulled him over to the nightlight to look him over.
"I'm fine."
"Where are we?"
"Not sure."
"Have you seen Cocoa?" Maria blurted. She had been standing still the whole time.
"Is she okay?"

A/N: I made myself happy by bringing Tom back in. He's one of my favourites. I guess I'll have to kill him off... Nah, not really.
And I have a question for you. What are you wondering? Obviously, I can't give everything away, but I can leave you wondering even more questions than when you started!
Anyways, thanks for reading, like usual. Au revoir!

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