(2) The Grab N Go

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1978 October 27th 2:05 pm

The whole rest of the class you dreaded over ur grade as if it was the end of the world. Luckily you didn't have to show ur mom ur grade till she was back. soon enough the bell rang and everyone headed out.

"I'll see you tomorrow y/n!!" - "okay bye Donna!"

you decided to just go to the Grab N Go instead of go to Finney's or go home. once you were in you heard a lot of people cheering but didn't care to look since you had a headache and just wanted to get some ibuprofen.

you kept walking trying to find where it would be at. food and chips, candy, tableware, which felt like forever you finally saw a sign pointing to medical care and headed over, as you were about to turn in to the isle somebody slammed there side right into ur shoulder . "what the fuck!!" causing you to almost trip and fall over.  you were repeatedly being pushed out of the way and didn't realize what was happening as people kept yelling different things.

as you got up to ur feet you saw a boy with curly blonde hair get put in handcuffs get dragged out of the store. "calm down golden retriever!" - "look who's busted now LITTLE GIRL" people taunted him repeatedly about his long hair and anger. you thought his hair looked beautiful, You then calmed urself down after the whole mess, you grabbed the ibuprofen and went to the front counter. You need it more than ever now since that crowd made ur headache worse than it was. "What the hell happened?.." you asked the cashier.

"hard to believe but, some kids knocked into Vance Hopper's pinball game and he started turning into a lunatic." The cashier said with sarcasm. Vance? So that's his name. you didn't know who Vance was but you didn't want to judge a book by its cover, "I wouldn't say a lunatic, the guy was getting yelled at for gods sake and it's their fault for knocking into his game." the cashier gave you a weird look. " all it takes is a bit of anger to get in trouble for someone like him." the cashier said as you grabbed your stuff and left the store. you didn't know at the time but most people hated Vance, they wouldn't even get caught near him so it's not normal for someone to act nice towards his name (except for his friends)


as school ended I headed off to the Grab N go to go play my pinball game, my best friend Connor was right beside me this time "do you think you'll beat your high score this time?" remembering my past failed trys I tried to have a bit of hope. "Of course I am dipshit I'm not letting my money get to waste again my uncle is already mad about it, I'm not giving up. Plus this is my last chance." my face leaned into a smirk as I opened up the stores door.

Like always Connor and a few others watched me while I would play but this time, I was certain I would definitely beat my high score. I put the rest of my money in and tried to focus, with all the people shouting in my ear it was hard but I didn't care. the pinball popped up as I kept pushing it up trying to get it into the 1000p place, adding to my score.

"Shit.." the pinball kept falling back down, then suddenly there was a bang making it fall into a hole where it would restart. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?" There were two guys playing around making one of them bump into the game. "YOU MOTHERFUCKERS MESSED WITH MY GAME!!" Connor and the other kids left the store immediately while backing up. I grabbed a kid by his collar punching him in the face but unfortunately doing that made him back up into a girls shoulder almost pushing her back as she entered the isle "Dammit!" he got away quickly. The other person got a knife out his pocket while I looked at the girl get pushed back by a crowd in the store. couldn't help but stare at her but before I could do anything I got cut in my arm.

I turned back grabbing the kids arm and without thinking I turned it back. the kid then screamed in pain. I punched him in the face then tried to run away. The cashier called the police before then causing them to lock me and handcuffs and drag me out. "Calm Down sir." - "Get the hell off of me!" Multiple comments about me ringed through my ears as they took me out. I struggled to get away but then considered it was useless. they took me to the police station where they called my uncle. I didn't get in trouble or anything like that they just pressed a few money charges it wasn't bad though.

845 Words

𝑺𝒌𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓 (Vance Hopper x Y/N) - The Black Phone FanficWhere stories live. Discover now