(10) Pairs

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1978 October 31st 8:32 AM

when i arrived at school i was greeted by billy, who walked with me as i went to my locker. "what you doing today for halloween?" - "going to this party, bruces friend is throwing it i guess" i said as i started to stretch. billy looked confused. "your not usually the type to go to a party?" - "i know, but its not like i have anything else to do. robin bailed on me."

billy sighed. "i would go with you but i already promised my sister i would take her trick or treating, you wont be alone right?" - it was nice for billy to care, definitely a change from everyone else. "yeah i know someone who's going, i think ill just hang with them if bruce leaves." - billy smiled but you could tell he still felt bad for me.

as me and billy continued to wander around the school there was many people in masks and costumes. some people even had retracting knifes. everyone was either scaring each other or wandering around. billy walked me to my classroom and said goodbye, i headed to my seat next to Madison.

"hey hows your day so far?" - she said with a sweet smile. "its going good what about yours?" - "its alright" - i smiled at her before class started.
the rest of the day was okay, the classes i had with robin, finney, gwen, or donna went by quickly today. it was about to be the last class of the day. i sat down on a couch in the school lobby and put headphones in, it was going to be a while until our break was over. after a few minutes passed i felt someone sit next to me.

it was vance. my heart dropped once again. i took my headphones out and turned over to look at him. "hey" - "hey.." - vance looked over at my phone which had the picture  and description of the song i was listening to. "can i see your playlist?" he said reaching his hand out. i unlocked my phone and went to the playlist i was on and handed my phone to him.

he smirked as he scrolled through it. "not bad." he said as he grabbed his phone and took a picture of it. "gonna steal some songs for mine" - i couldn't believe what was happening as he handed me back my phone. am i dreaming? "see you later y/n" - he said as he looked at the time noticing it was about time for class. he smiled at me as he grabbed his bag, looking at me the whole time before he stepped into his classroom.

i was practically daydreaming the whole next class about him. i was wondering about the way he said see you later. it was like he knew i would be at that party. but i stopped myself once bruce interrupted my thoughts. i really need to stop. we would never happen anyway. thats a 1 in a million chance i shouldn't bother to take. i looked up at the board to see the teacher writing 'PARTNER PAIRS' he paired up me and donna.

i usually sit next to her but i decided not too today, i saw her look up then look back at me with a blank face. i couldn't tell what she thought about it. i mean it did feel like robin was making the whole group against me, but how could i be so sure? "ALRIGHT CLASS, get in your pairs. this work sheet will be mandatory. no slacking. no ignoring your partners or fighting with them. you must work together." Mr. Lee screamed to the class. great, now there really is no getting out of this.

i got up and sat next to donna who had her head down. it was quiet for a few seconds as Mr. Lee handed us our papers. i turned over to donna quickly, "listen i have no idea whats going on with our friend group and what i even did, but can we please just act like nothing ever happened for today so we can get this done?" she nodded at me and we got to work.

i was surprised how she was acting nicely towards me and not being a bit rude as we talked about the answers. we even had a bit of time for small talk. "so did you ever figure out what your gonna do today?" donna said at she erased something off on her paper. "oh uh yeah. bruce invited me to a party his friend is throwing but im pretty sure ill just get left in a corner the whole time. but at least someone i know is going but i dont think thats gonna change my luck."

even though my head was down after i said that i could feel donnas worry about me. but when i turned my head she tried to hide it. we turned the paper in as the bell rang to go home. she actually bothered to say bye to me as we both left the school. i headed straight home and got ready. it was gonna be a while until the party but its not like i have anything else to do..


after school i walked with gwen, i started to tell her about my conversation with y/n. "i feel like robin might be exaggerating. she doesn't even know what she did." - "yeah i know what you mean, but it seems like robin is always around that i cant seem to say anything to her." gwen replied back as she looked around us for a second. we went to her house where we saw finney and robin sitting out infront of the house, robin looked really mad.

"im serious finn. we have to talk to her." robin said fixing the back of his bandana. "whats happening?" gwen said as we both stood infront of finney and robin. "were going to a party." robin said standing up. "no we are not." finney snapped back at him and started to stand up. "explanation please?" gwen said while she crossed her arms confused on what was happening.

"are you talking about the party y/n is going too?" i also looked confused. "robin wants me to confront y/n. today. which is such a bad idea." finney said shaking his head then putting his attention onto me as i spoke, "how is it bad? dont you wanna talk about it with her?" - "well yeah, but today is halloween. i could get into trouble, she could get mad and start a fight, and plus shes gonna bring up robin bailing on her" he replied while turning over to robin.

"im sure mya will understand finn. i promise i wont start a fight, come on! take the risk for me, please?" robin said shaking finneys shoulders. finney sighed. "fine, but once things get out of hand were leaving."


i was finally ready for the party, both physically and mentally. i prepared myself to be alone the whole time but still look good. i sighed before i opened the front door and checked that i had everything i needed. i put a tazer in my pocket just incase someone was trying to peer pressure me into drinking. i know i could just fight but i dont wanna go too far.

as i walked out i saw bruce pull up, he had a few friends sitting in the back of his car and had a seat open for me to sit up front. here it goes i guess.
1276 words

i didnt mean to make this as short as i did guys sorryy.... but anyways ill be working on the next chapter as soon as i post this one!

𝑺𝒌𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓 (Vance Hopper x Y/N) - The Black Phone FanficWhere stories live. Discover now